Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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I hope you enjoy this two part one shot ❤️

Betty POV:

I had grown up in Toledo all of my life, or all of what I can remember. My mum Gladys, has told me from an early age that my dad and brother lived in a place called Riverdale and that they're the leaders of a gang. I lived in Riverdale up until the age of 6, I can't really remember much though.

My dad and brother kinda sound like me and mum. We're the leaders of the Toledo Serpents.

It was an ordinary Monday morning as I worked on a car we had received yesterday. As I was doing that I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turned around, revealing my handsome boyfriend, Jake.

Betty: Jakey. I said happily as I placed a kiss on his lips.
Jake: you look so beautiful, as always. He said with a charming grin, making me blush.

Before we had the chance to say anything else to each other, a group of 3 police cars showed up at the garage.

They began pointing guns at all of us and telling us to go to the ground. We did as they said and Jake kept me as close as possible to him.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw that they had my mum and were pushing her roughly. They put her into the back of a police car and they sped off.

There was still 3 police officers here and I stood up, not waiting any longer to find out what was going on.

Police officer: ma'am, I'm going to need you to go back to where you were. He said sternly. I ignored him.
Betty: what did she do? I yelled at him.
Police officer: we have reason to believe she's receiving and selling illegal parts.

My heart dropped.

Mum use to do illegal business until I told her I wouldn't stay here any longer if she continued. She told me she had stopped. I guess her break didn't last long.

I went back to Jake and looked at him seriously. Jake was like my mother's right hand man.

Betty: did you know this was going on? He looked back at me guilty.

You have got to be kidding me.

Betty: were you apart of this? I asked him. He didn't say anything.

When I first began dating him I had only one rule. Don't get involved in illegal stuff. How could he do this to me?

Betty: we're over. I said as I ran away from him. The cops had now gone so I was fine.

I got on my bike and sped off home.

I can't believe my mother would do this to me, why would she lie to me? How could she lie to me?

I arrived home and a string off sobs escaped my lips. She's the only family I had in Toledo, how could she leave me alone?

I've stuck by her side through everything and she does this? I can't do this anymore.

I'm leaving town.

I picked up only the bare essentials and got on my bike.

I can't be apart of this anymore.

I got on my bike and headed to Riverdale.

Dad, Jughead and I usually call each other once a day. We're still extremely close. I really hope they let me stay with them.

Jughead POV:

I was at the Wyrm and it was 6:30 pm. I was starting to get worried since Betty hadn't answered either dad's calls or mine. She always answers her phone.

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