Betty x Sweet Pea

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I wish I could get someone to edit my work for me but then I'm picky 😂😂
Also, my dumbass forget to post this last night, so here you go 😂

Betty POV:

I was in the lounge binge watching a new series I had just started, The Umbrella Academy. My favourite character is definitely Klaus. His lines are always the best.

I was watching a scene with Klaus in it when Polly came out of her room and walked up to me. I paused the show and looked up to her with a smile.

Polly: how are you feeling? She asked as she took a seat and rubbed my arm.

I had been feeling a little unwell since I had woken up this morning. I had a bit of a temperature and an annoying cough.

Betty: the same. I said with a sigh. She gave me a sympathetic smile.

Our parents are on a month long business trip so they left Polly in charge. She is 18 and I'm 15

Polly: I need to go to the shops to get a few things. Sweet Pea should be coming over as well, if he arrives before me can you let him in? She asked and I nodded my head.

She soon said goodbye and headed out.

Sweet Pea is Polly's boyfriend, they've been together for about 5 months. He's always been nothing but nice to me and he makes Polly happy. I'm happy for them.

I turned my attention back to the tv and resumed the show.

I had been laughing at Klaus for another half an hour when I heard someone knock on the door. I assumed it was Sweet Pea.

I got up in my baggy jumper and loose sweatpants and walked up to the door. I opened the door revealing a neck tattooed Serpent with messy hair that seemed to suit him.

Sweet Pea: hey Betty. He said kindly as I invited him in.
Betty: hey Sweet Pea. I said with a cough as we took a seat on either ends of the couch.
Sweet Pea: you okay? He asked with a sense of concern. I nod my head.
Betty: I'm just sick. He nodded his head.

I resumed back to my show and he watched along with me.

Sweet Pea: how can you like this? This show is shit. He said. My jaw dropped.
Betty: excuse me, it's amazing. I fight back.
Sweet Pea: that guy literally looks like a drug addict. He said back as he pointed to Klaus.
Betty: that's because he is. I mumbled. He let out a laugh.
Sweet Pea: you're 15 Betty, you shouldn't even be watching this. He said with a chuckle.
Betty: sorry dad. I said with a giggle. He rolled his eyes playfully.
Sweet Pea: you're annoying. He said with a chuckle.
Betty: well to bad, you're dating my sister and I can be annoying as I want. I said while flipping my hair. He let out a laugh since he knew I was right.

He had to be nice to me or I could go to Polly.

Sweet Pea: you love blackmailing people don't you? He said with a smirk.
Betty: it's a side hobby I don't get to do that often unfortunately. I said making us both laugh.

As I was laughing I burst into a fit of coughs. He came up next to me and rubbed my back.

Sweet Pea: now that's enough, rest. He said and I nodded my head.

We stayed on the couch for another 20 minutes until Polly arrived home.

Polly: Hey babe. She said with a smile as she placed a kiss on his lips.
Sweet Pea: hey gorgeous. He said.
Polly: can you help me bring the groceries inside? He nodded his head and followed her outside.

I smiled at how great they are together. They both make each other happy.

While Sweet Pea was helping her put everything away I turned off the tv and began doing stuff on my phone.

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