Betty x Sweet Pea

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Tw/ it's kinda like the Cheryl and Nick situation, but instead with Betty. I also haven't watched the ep where Toni does something to Nick? So I'm not copying that.

Betty POV:

I walked out of class with my best friends Veronica and Cheryl.

We were laughing about something that had happened earlier in the lesson when my face dropped.

Walking down the corridor was Nick St Clair.

The man of my nightmares.

He tried to sexually assault me.

I felt my face go pale as all the memories from two years ago came flooding back to my mind.

I remember feeling dizzy, him helping me to a room.

I remember his rough hands gliding over my body. I remember him telling me to stay quite as he unzipped my dress.

I remember not knowing where I was. I was scared.

I was going in and out of consciousness. I wasn't able to scream.

I was trapped, stuck. Helpless.

Veronica and Cheryl luckily found me in time. Before he could have done the imaginable.

Veronica: Betty. She whispered as her eyes landed on Nick.
Betty: I can't do this. I whispered on the verge of tears.

I quickly ran down the corridor in the opposite direction as to where he was standing.

I passed my boyfriend and the rest of our other friends. From the quick look I got at them, I could see that they were giving me a worried look.

I got out of the suffocating school and sat by the benches out the front.

I rested my elbows on the table as my head was held up by my hands.

Within half a minute I saw Cheryl, Veronica and Sweet Pea walk out.

Sweet Pea my boyfriend instantly wrapped me up in his arms as I started sobbing.

Why does he have to be back?

Sweet Pea: Betty, what's happened? He asked softly. I broke down in his arms.
Cheryl: B let's get you home. You're safe. She tried telling me softly.
Veronica: she's right B. She said.
Sweet Pea: can someone tell me what's going on? He asked sternly, obviously worrying about why I was breaking down.
Cheryl: it's not for us to say. She told him.
Betty: can we please go home? I sobbed out as I looked into his eyes. He nodded his head and kissed my forehead.
Sweet Pea: come on angel, let's go. He whispered softly as he stood us up.

He wrapped his arm around me as I hid my head in his side.

We took my car to school today so he opened the passengers side and I got in.

He closed my door and then got in bedside me.

By this point I had stopped sobbing and I was wiping my eyes from the last tears that had fallen down my face.

He rested his hand out over the console, telling me that if I wanted, we could hold hands.

I reached my hand out and connected it with his.

He brought my hand close to his lips and pressed a soft kiss to it.

Sweet Pea: I'm here for you no matter what. He said as we began going back to our house.

I stayed quiet the whole ride home. I didn't know what to say.

How was I supposed to tell Sweet Pea?

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