Betty x Sweet Pea

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I'm sorry if the editing is bad. I wrote and edited this while I was tired 😂😂

Betty POV:

I parked my car in my designated parking spot at my apartment complex and got out of my car.

I walked upstairs and into my apartment that I share with my best friend, Sweet Pea.

When I walked in it was extremely quiet. Sweet Pea should be home by now.

Betty: Sweet Pea? I yelled out. Just to see if he was here.
Sweet Pea: I'm in here. He called from his room.

I put down my bag and put my coat on the coat hanger.

I walked down the small hallway and into his room. When I walked in my eyes widened. He had thrown his clothes all over his room.

Betty: did we happen to get robbed in only your room? I asked with a laugh. He rolled his eyes playfully.
Sweet Pea: I have a date in two hours and I can't find anything decent to wear.
Betty: that could explain this. I say while gesturing to his messy room.
Sweet Pea: Betts please help me, you have a better fashion sense then I do. He said desperately.
Betty: glad that you finally admit it. I said with a giggle.

I agreed to help him but a part of my heart broke. I've over time began to develop feelings for him.

He's always been so sweet kind and gentle with me. He makes me so happy.

Unfortunately my feelings for him are only one sided, he's never indicated any signs of having feelings for me. It hurts that he'll never feel the same way as I do.

But he's happy and I could never take that away from him.

Sweet Pea POV:

Betty had thankfully arrived home and agreed to help me get ready for my date tonight.

She was deep in concentration when I heard her phone go off. I picked up her phone since it was next to me. The id read 'bæ 💕🥰' who the fuck is that?

Some sort of jealously rose within me. I don't know if I was jealous because she was close with another guy. I mean she's my best friend. Or if I was jealous because she feels this way for a guy. I think I might have a small crush on her.

Sweet Pea: Betts, your phone. I said as I pulled her out of her concentration.

She walked over to me and pulled her phone out of my hands.

Betty: hey. She said.

There was a couple seconds of silence from Betty. She soon let out a giggle.

Betty: babe I'll call you later and tell you everything. She said with a giggle.

Another couple seconds later she said 'bye, love you' she said and hung up.

She put her phone in her pocket and went back to looking through my wardrobe.

Sweet Pea: who was that? I asked jealously.
Betty: just a friend from work. She said.

They seem to be pretty close for just friends.

Betty: here. Put this on. She said as she passed me a dark blue blazer, a black shirt and black jeans.

I thanked her and took the clothes out of her hands.

I took off my shirt, revealing my six pack of abs. As soon as I did that something in Betty changed, she became really shy and looked away.

I've been shirtless in front of her multiple times so I don't know why she's shy all of a sudden.

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