Betty x Hiram

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Requested by: septichad

Betty POV:

Veronica: B pleaseeeee stay the night at my house. She said with puppy eyes.
Betty: you know I have a lot of homework. I said.
Veronica: we barely ever get to hangout and you can do it on Sunday.

It was Friday night and Veronica and I had just finished cheerleading practice. I was exhausted and in no mood to argue with her.

Betty: fine. I said. She squealed, making me laugh.

We walked out of school and got into her limo, still in our cheerleading uniforms. I'll just borrow some of her clothes.

We chatted until we arrived at her house. Everything about the Lodges screamed rich and powerful.

We walked into her apartment and were greeted by her father, Hiram, who was sitting on the couch doing some work on his computer. A glass of whiskey was close to his lips, his beautiful full lips.

I've always found Hiram to be a handsome man who deserves better than what his wife could ever give him.

He's excruciatingly handsome, I can't wait to have my body wrapped around him. I mean I'm definitely pleased that Mrs. Lodge is out of town for the rest of the week.

I definitely want him, more then just fun casual sex. But the chances of anything happening between me and him are very, very low.

Veronica: daddy, Betty is staying the night. She said with a smile as he stood up and hugged his daughter.
Hiram: always lovely to have you over Betty. He said with a smile as he too embraced me in a hug.
Betty: thank you Hiram. I said with a flirtatious smile.

As he leaned out of the hug, Veronica began pulling me to her room. The last thing I saw Hiram do was send a wink in my direction.

I felt as a blush rose to my cheeks.

Veronica: daddy likes you. She said with a smile.

Her sentence took me by shock and she could clearly see that by my face.

Veronica: I just mean back in New York, he was never keen on any of my friends. It's nice that he likes you. I smiled.
Veronica: I mean probably because I've never had a nerd friend before, but still. She said with a grin. I let out a laugh as I gently hit her shoulder.
Betty: such a tease. I said making us both laugh.

If anyone's a tease, it's her father.

Veronica and I decided to watch a movie and order in some pizza.

We changed into sweats and a tank top.

The pizza soon arrived and we began watching a romcom.

It started getting late and Veronica had fallen asleep.

I snuck out of her room and into the kitchen to get myself a glass of water.

I made myself a glass of water and walked into the lounge where Hiram was still working. The only difference being that he had more whiskey in his glass.

Hiram and I locked eyes with one another. I bit my lip as I watched his eyes start at my eyes and then slowly scan my body.

Hiram: come sit. He said with a smirk as he closed his lap top and tapped the seat next to him.

I smiled as I walked over to him and took a seat. He wrapped an arm around my back with a smirk. I looked at him lustfully.

Betty: how was your day? I asked as I tried to stop myself from jumping into his lap.
Hiram: it depends what happens next. He said with a smirk.

He leaned in towards me, both of us knowing that we were about to share a kiss.

Our foreheads leaned against one another until our lips finally met in a kiss full of heat, and dare I say, love?

His strong arms picked me up and carried me into his lap, all whilst continuing the kiss.

I had wanted him for so long and I wasn't in the mood for slow and sweet sex right now. I wanted rough and fast, and then maybe, slow and sweet.

Betty: bedroom. I mumbled into his mouth.  He grinned.
Hiram: I love a women who takes charge. He said with a smirk.

I layed breathlessly on his bed as I cuddled into his chest. He looked at me and smirked.

Hiram: so you're the cuddly type. He commented. I nodded my head.
Betty: definitely, you'll have to get use to it. I said with a smirk.
Hiram: you plan on this being a regular occurrence? He questioned as his thumb ran circular motions on my shoulder.
Betty: I'd hope so. I said as I looked up into his eyes.
Hiram: so would I. He said with a smile.
Betty: as much as I'd really love to fall asleep in your arms, I think it's better if I stay in Veronica's room. I said and he nodded his head agreeingly.
Hiram: if you get scared during the night, you know where I am. He said with a wink. I let out a laugh.

I got up out of bed and tried finding my clothes that had been scattered all over his room.

After searching, I found everything and put it on.

Hiram: forgetting something? He questioned as he held my panties in his hand.
Betty: keep it. I said with a wink as I walked out.

I walked back into Veronica's room and got under the covers of her bed.

I layed there happily as I thought about the most amazing experience that had happened.

It's been a week since I stayed at Veronica's and it's definitely tricky to spend time together, but we've seen each other twice, both being at my house.

My parents are away for a work conference for a week.

Each time he comes over, he spoils me with something new and expensive. I've told him numerous times that he doesn't need to but he insists.

My true dream man. I wonder how Veronica would feel if I became her step mum?

Something a lil different. What are your thoughts?

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