Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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Are you guys even ready for this 💀

Betty POV:

I woke up to my bed dipping, what the hell is going on?

I opened my eyes and saw Sweet Pea filling my vision.

Betty: what the fuck. I muttered as I hid my head under the covers.
Sweet Pea: you said I could tell you everything in the morning. He said as he came under the blankets with me.
Betty: yeah, during breakfast. Not now. I groaned out.
Sweet Pea: Pleaseee. He whined out.
Betty: go tell your mum, I'm sure she really wants to know.
Sweet Pea: I've already told her, twice. He said. I let out a loud groan so he knew I was annoyed.
Betty: give me ten minutes and I'll be able to listen to you. I said making him smile.

He left my room and I looked at the time, 6 am. I could have slept in for another hour before school.

I got out of bed and did my usual routine. I got changed, did my hair and brushed my teeth.

I walked out of my room and into the kitchen as I rubbed my eyes. It's too bright.

I took a seat at the kitchen table and Jane looked to me with a small smirk.

Jane: I told him he shouldn't have woken  you up. She said as she placed a hot chocolate in front of me.
Betty: thank you, and the next time he wakes me up at such an ungodly hour, I have the right to attack him. I said making her laugh.
Sweet Pea: okay very funny, now can I talk? He asked like a child. I let out a laugh and rested my head against the table.
Betty: go for it. I said.

As he began to talk, I listened to every detail, and damn were there a lot of details.

The one thing I noticed was that throughout his whole story, he never once lost his smile.

I must admit, I fell asleep once or twice, but I caught onto majority of what he was saying.

Betty: I'm glad you're happy Pea. I said with a soft smile.
Sweet Pea: Thank you. He said as he embraced me in the tightest hug. I let out a laugh and so did Jane.
Betty: let go of me you bear. I said. Sweet Pea and I both let out a laugh but he soon eventually let go.

Once Sweet Pea had finally gotten all of his excitement out, he sat down next to me and we ate breakfast.

We had finished breakfast and it was the three of us sitting at the table, talking, laughing.

Fp soon woke up and a smirk instantly raised to Sweet Pea's face. Jane and I looked to each other with a groan.

Betty: I'm going to the lounge. I said as I stood up and picked up my hot chocolate.
Jane: I'll join you. She said as she walked to the lounge with me.

We took a seat and Jane instantly became protective mama bear, not that I blame her, this is her child.

Jane: Have you met this Sarah before? She asked.

Sarah is a Serpent and although Jane and Fp run the gang, they don't know each and every member personally.

Betty: I have. I said truthfully. She raised an eyebrow, wanting me to continue on.
Betty: She didn't really seem that nice- I started and she cut me off.
Jane: do any of your friends like her? She asked and I shook my head no.
Betty: But Sweet Pea likes her and said that I should giver her at least one more chance. I said and she had a slightly unimpressed look on her face.
Jane: mh. She said.

I really hope that Sarah isn't like how I remember her to be. She's always came off as rude and the one time I spoke to her, she acted like I wasn't worth her time.

I'll have an open mind about her but I don't know.

Jane and I talked as Fp and Sweet Pea soon joined us. Fp looked the way Jane and I felt after hearing Sweet Pea grown on about his thriving love life.

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