Betty x Sweet Pea

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Short but I love it 🥰🥺

Sweet POV:

The scene in front of my eyes was perfect.

Betty and I were in the basement of the Wyrm.

We had been walking into the Wyrm when someone tried to shoot at me.

So here we are, some guy much older than us, wearing a Ghoulies jacket was sitting on the ground behind the cell bars.

The Serpents will always remain on top, we don't take bullshit.

Betty: you know the last guy that tried to kill my boyfriend, he didn't end up looking too good. The Serpents back there would love to do the same to you. She smirked.

This is the Betty I love. This dark and powerful girl. That's mine.

Betty loaded her gun as she came up behind me.

I was sitting in a chair in front of the cell. Betty told me she wanted to handle this so I let my girl have what she wants.

She leaned over and rested her arms over my shoulder.

Ghoulie: what? You can't even get a real Serpent to kill me? He said trying to mock Betty.
Sweet Pea: what the hell did you say! I was about to get up and kill him with my bare hands but Betty stopped me.
Betty: baby, he's not wrong. I mean my aim is terrible. She said as she shot at his foot.

He let out a loud groan.

I looked up to Betty with a smirk.

She shot at his knee cap and let out a sigh.

Betty: I can't believe I keep messing up. She said as she looked down at me.

This Ghoulies screams were only getting louder, music to my ears.

Sweet Pea: try again bubba, practice makes perfect. I smiled.
Ghoulies: stop, please. I take what I said back. He begged her.
Betty: you think I give a fuck? She said sternly as she shot directly into his heart.

That's my fucking girl.

Betty: whoops. She whispered into my ear. I looked up to her with a smirk.

I got some of my men to clean up the body as Betty and I walked into our apartment.

Betty: can we please have Pops for dinner? Please please please. She said with her cutest pouty face. I let out a chuckle.

A minute ago she was this badass, sexy, hot, take no shit girl. Now she's this cute as a button angel.

That's probably what I love the absolute most, she's a badass when she needs to be and she can be a cuddly sweet angel the rest of the time.

I love everything about her. It's too hard to decide which side of her is the most perfect.

Betty: why are you laughing at me? She said.
Sweet Pea: come here. I said.

She walked up to me and I wrapped my arms around her waist.

Sweet Pea: I love you so fucking much. I said.

I held my world close to my chest.

I don't know how I fell so in love with her, but it's so strong and came so fast.

There aren't the right words yet to be invented to describe how much I love her, cherish her, want to make her happy and everything in between.

Betty: do you love me? Ew Sweet Pea. She joked. I let out a laugh.

I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my torso.

Sweet Pea: you can't say that while I'm trying to be all romantic. I said making her giggle.
Betty: I love you too bubba, more than anything. She smiled as she rested her head on my shoulder.
Sweet Pea: I hate that there aren't the perfect words to describe each feeling I have towards you. You're so perfect but I can't tell you that. I sighed.
Betty: learn how to read bitch. She mumbled. I looked at her and glared.

I'm just trying to tell her how much I love her. This is another side of her personality, childish.

Sweet Pea: fine. I said as I put her down.

She looked up to me like I was insane.

Betty: pick me back up. She said.
Sweet Pea: no. I said as I walked off.
Betty: baby. She whined.

She ran up to me and bear hugged me.

Betty: I'm sorry, you do know how to read. Even as she said that, I could tell she was trying to hold back her laughter.
Sweet Pea: seems like someone wants to be single. I said and her grin dropped.
Sweet Pea: not so funny is it? I smirked.
Sweet Pea: come on, put your jacket on. I said.
Betty: can I have yours? She smiled.
Sweet Pea: oh sorry, people who can't read can only wear my jacket. I said.
Betty: but bubba I was joking. She groaned.

I let out a chuckle as she held me as tight as she could.

Betty: I love you! Love me back. She said. I smiled as I kissed her.
Sweet Pea: never deny my love again? I said.
Betty: I promise. She whined.
Sweet Pea: well I guess you'll be needing this then. I said as I took off my jacket.
Betty: this never belonged to you, it's mine. She giggled as she slipped her arms through my jacket.

I held her hand and lead her to the couch. I took a seat and she sat in my lap.

We had been messing around for the past few minutes but I wanted to seriously talk to her. I always want her to know that I love her.

Sweet Pea: I really am so in love with everything about you Betty. You're my world and I don't want to spend my life with anyone but you. I said and she blushed.
Betty: I do love you too Pea, more than anyone. I really want to be with you for the rest of my life and make you happy and proud. She said as she caressed both sides of my face.
Sweet Pea: you will never understand how proud of you that I am. You've changed so much, for the better of course, since we started dating and I have loved being able to watch you grow. You really are so precious and important to me. I said as I leaned closer to her lips and placed a long and passionate kiss along her lips.

She arched her back into me and kissed back with as much love as I.

Her hands went up into my hair as I bit at her bottom lip, asking for entrance.

She parted her lips for me as I stuck my tongue inside her mouth.

We had a heated make out session for about 15 minutes before we finally pulled away.

She caressed both sides of my face as she looked into my eyes.

Betty: you're my forever. She said as I rested my forehead against hers.
Sweet Pea: you're my forever. I repeated.

We stayed in the moment for a second longer before we kissed again and got up.

I picked out another jacket and we walked downstairs to my truck.

We both got in and she moved herself to as close to me as possible.

Betty: hold my hand? She asked. I smiled as I connected my right hand with her left.
Betty: thank you. She smiled as she rested her head on my shoulder.

Such a simple thing like those two actions drive me insane. So cute.

We began driving to Pops and enjoyed the peaceful silence between us.

We soon arrived and as we walked into the warm diner, she clinged to my side.

We took a seat and I pulled her into my lap.

I kissed her neck and then rested my head on her shoulder.

Betty: you look like a cute puppy. She said as she began playing with my hair.
Betty: mine. She said with a little bit of sternness in her voice.
Sweet Pea: all yours. I smiled. She smiled too and kissed my head.
Betty: I'm so happy we met. She said as she rested her head in the crook of my neck.

I could tell my Princess was getting tired. Such a sweet angel.

Sweet Pea: so am I baby.

I've been actually liking my one shots lately 😂

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