What dating Betty would be like

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I honestly just needed to make something quick. I haven't posted in four days ( which isn't bad ) but I hate not posting lol. I'm currently writing a chapter for my main book 'Am I Even Living?'. You should all check it out. ( I also just went back to the Sweet Pea one of these that I did, and I said the same thing about my other book 😂. )

What dating Betty would be like

- she'll be very shy at first, but once she gets to know you and is comfortable around you, you can't get her to shut up. ( not that you'd want her too )
- she gets along with all your friends.
- loves to kiss your ears, cheek, nose and forehead.
- loves giving cuddles.
- loves holding hands while watching romantic movies.
- loves holding hands in general.
- always wants to spend time with you.
- always ready to try something new, as long as you're there with her.
- school is important to her so she'll always encourage you to do your homework and she'll always offer to help.
- extremely loyal ( the thought of cheating makes her physically sick )
- she likes waking up in your arms.
- she'll look after you when you're sick.
- when she's angry, she acts mad but she really just looks even more adorable than usual. ( she's never truly mad at you )
- you'll wake up to her soft morning kisses.
- she'll make you pancakes for breakfast with extra syrup because she knows you like it that way.
- very, very cuddly.
- she'll send you I love you texts at random times of the day.
- she'll give you every piece of her heart and all she wants in return is to have your love.

I hope you enjoyed this lil something

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