Jughead x Archie

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It's Jarchie bitches!
Requested: charlee_reb_xx
I'm sorry it took so long to make 😂

Jughead POV:

Archie and I sat in his drive way, in his car with a pizza on my lap.

Archie: what do you think we should do? Wait it out or run? He asked as he turned his head to me.

Rain was pouring down heavily as now lightning began to strike.

Jughead: it doesn't look like it'll stop anytime soon. I think we need to make a run for it.

My long time friend Archie nodded his head.

Archie: on the count of three. 1. He began.
Archie: 2.
Archie: 3! He yelled out as we bolted out of his car.

I held the pizza tight as we ran to his porch, feeling relieved when we had finally gotten under cover.

Archie and I looked at each other, letting out a laugh as we saw how soaked each of us were.

Archie: come on, you can borrow some of my clothes. He said with a laugh as we got inside.

I put the pizza in the kitchen and we both walked up to his room.

Archie gave me a shirt and a pair of sweatpants.

I went into the bathroom and quickly got changed. When I walked out, I saw Archie in a very tight shirt that showed off all his muscles that he works so hard for. Once he even tried to make me join him in one of his workout routines. Anyone with a brain knows that you don't want to work out with him. He won't stop until you're actually dead.

We walked downstairs and put a movie on as we ate pizza.

Both Archie and I are closeted gays.

We haven't told anyone that we're gay, but each other.

Ever since we came out as gay to each other, I notice the little looks he gives me, not to mention all the extra compliments he gives me. It's nice, not to mention I do have a crush on him.

We've been best friends since we were 4 but I think it's time we got together.

When it's just me and him, I feel the most happiest and safest.

When we're hanging out with a group of friends, he always stays closest to me and makes sure I'm having fun.

He's really sweet and protective of me.

We finished eating pizza and were just watching some comedy movie now.

As the night went on, I started to get cold, which Archie immediately picked up on.

Archie: are you cold Jug? He asked with concern. I nodded my head.
Archie: come here. He said with a smile as he pulled out a blanket from next to the couch.

I ended up with my head resting on his shoulder and his arm wrapped around my waist.

Archie: comfortable? He asked.
Jughead: very. I said with a smirk as I looked into his eyes.

He stared back at me with such lust in his eyes.

I moved my head off of his shoulder and looked at his perfect face, analyzing what he was going to do next.

Archie: Jughead can I kiss you? He asked suddenly. I nodded my head.

I've wanted this for so long now.

Archie began to slowly lean in. Before I knew it, his sweet lips had made first contact with mine.

Our lips moved in sync with each other as he lead the kiss in a slow yet passionate kiss.

His lips were like a drug that I seemed to instantly be addicted too.

Archie and I soon leaned back as this was both of our first kisses.

Jughead: that was amazing. I breathed out.
Archie: yeah it was. He said as he lifted my body onto him so I was now straddling him.

Archie: I want you Jughead. He said.
Jughead: I want you too. I said back. He smiled and placed another soft kiss on my lips.

We went back to watching the movie as I now cuddled into him, Archie every now and then kissing my head.

It was nice being wrapped in this muscular arms.

I hope you enjoyed ❤️
Also if you request something, it will probably take me a few months to do it because I'm a) lazy and b) busy a lot of the time.

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