Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I had just knocked on everyone's doors, telling them to wake up.

I'm 37 and my daughter Cindy is 15 years old.

I had Cindy when I was 22 but my boyfriend at the time decided he wasn't ready for this commitment so he left.

I now live with my best friend Sweet Pea and his son Andrew. Andrew is also 15 and Sweet Pea is the same age as me.

Sweet Pea wasn't really a responsible person when he was 22. He was drunk half the time and had one night stands all the time, equaling Andrew.

Andrew: you're mean. He said as he took a seat at the kitchen table.

I placed some cereal in front of him and kissed his head.

Betty: I'm sorry I want you to get an education. I said and he rolled his eyes playfully.

Cindy: morning mum. She said with a yawn.
Betty: morning pumpkin. I said as I placed some toast in front of her.
Betty: of course Sweet Pea is the last one to wake up. I said making the kids laugh.

We've been a family since the kids were born. I really couldn't be happier with my life, plus Cindy and Andrew get along so well.

Andrew: I don't think dad's going to get up. He said making himself and Cindy laugh. I let out a chuckle as I went back to Sweet Pea's room.

I knocked on his door again, this time waiting for him to actually get up.

When he got up out of his room, he walked past me with a glare.

Sweet Pea: Satan. He mumbled in front of the kids, making them laugh.

He took a seat and I gave him some toast.

Betty: you're acting like a child. I said with amusement as I sat opposite him at the table.
Sweet Pea: no I'm not. He said under his breath. The kids laughed
Betty: you wouldn't be able to function if I wasn't here. I said.
Sweet Pea: of course I could. He said.
Betty: okay, tomorrow I won't wake you up. I said with a smirk.
Sweet Pea: I'd be more than fine and happy with that. He said with a smirk.

The kids all laughed as they put their dishes into the sink and began getting ready for school.

As they did that, I fixed up my hair and applied some make up.

Sweet Pea is a mechanic and I'm a writer for the local paper in Riverdale.

Besides not having a significant other, my life is what I've always dreamt of.

Andrew: we're leaving now. He yelled out as they began walking to school.

I finished up everything I needed to do and was ready to leave.

Betty: I'll see you tonight. I said and he nodded his head.
Sweet Pea: see you later. He called out.

I got in my car and headed down to work.

Within 20 minutes I arrived at work and headed to my office space. As I walked in, I said hello to a few people and then finally got to my office.

I turned on my computer and instantly began writing as I had a piece due today.

By the time lunch had came around, I was thankfully only 100 words away from finishing.

I took my lunch break and then quickly finished off my article.

Once I submitted my article I was allowed to leave early since there was nothing else I was required to start until tomorrow.

I got into my car and headed home. I decided to take a nap since there was still two hours before the kids got home.

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