Betty x Reggie

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Short and sweet

Betty POV:

I sat in the Blue and Gold as I interviewed Archie, Reggie and Mad Dog.

Betty: Reggie, how are you feeling about the game tomorrow? I asked as I finished writing notes on what Archie and Mad Dog had just told me.
Reggie: pumped. We're obviously going to win against those preppy nobody's. He said.
Mad Dog: absolutely. He spoke as enthusiastically as Reggie had.
Betty: how confident are you in that statement? I asked Reggie.
Reggie: Betts, 100%. He said.

I don't know what came over me but I felt my cheeks heat up and an uncontrollable smile form on my face.

Reggie made me feel like this?

Betty: okay thank you, that's all I need. I smiled as I quickly got out of there.

Reggie and I aren't really friends, definitely not close enough for nicknames.

Why did he call me Betts and why do I feel like this over him?

Reggie and I hangout in the same friend group but there's a lot of us. We're mutual friends at best.

I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror, my face was as red as a tomato.

This isn't me. I don't get flustered over a guy.

I let out a sigh as I splashed some cold water over my face.

It was the end of the day so I headed home. I got into my car and traveled to the South Side.

I was born on the South Side along with my brother Sweet Pea. Our parents left us so we've been looking after ourselves.

I arrived home and saw Sweet Pea sitting on the couch, watching tv.

Sweet Pea: hey. He smiled.
Betty: hey. I said as I put my bag away and got a drink out of the fridge.

I took a seat next to my brother and watched whatever was on the tv.

Sweet Pea: what's up with you? He asked as he raised an eyebrow.
Betty: nothing? I said.
Sweet Pea: you're off. He said.
Betty: all I've said was hello, how can I be off? I questioned.

I hate my brother for knowing me so well.

Sweet Pea: I don't know, I just know. He said.
Sweet Pea: now spill. He said softly.
Betty: I kinda like someone. I said, giving into my brother.
Sweet Pea: who? He asked sternly.
Betty: it's nothing Pea. I said.
Sweet Pea: Elizabeth. He said.
Betty: Reggie. I mumbled.
Sweet Pea: Reggie? He questioned as confusedly as I felt.
Betty: I know. He called me Betts when I was talking to them about the game and I don't know. I said, getting flustered.
Sweet Pea: I forbid you from dating anyone. He said jokingly.
Betty: can you kinda help me get with Reggie? I asked, giving him a pout.
Sweet Pea: I'll see what I can do. He said and I squealed excitedly.
Betty: thank you. I said as I moved closer to him and wrapped my arms tightly around him.

Archie POV:

Archie: what was that all about? I asked Reggie just as Betty had left in a flustered state.
Reggie: what? He asked as the three of us stood up and walked down to the carpark.
Archie: you calling her Betts. I said.
Reggie: so what? He said as he shrugged his shoulders.
Archie: you like her, and she clearly likes you too. I said with a smirk.
Reggie: you don't know anything Arch. He said as he tried to hide the smirk forming on his face.
Mad Dog: lying doesn't look good on you. He chuckled.
Reggie: how would you know if I'm lying? We've known each other for like a month. He said.
Mad Dog: you can learn a lot about a person in a month. Go get your girl. He said as Reggie rolled his eyes playfully and got into his car, driving off.

Mad Dog and I looked to each other with a smirk.

By the end of tomorrow's game, they're definitely going to get together.


Reggie POV:

I stood on the field, warming up as my team and I discussed our strategy for the game.

I looked out onto the benches. I scanned the area and saw my new favorite blond. It use to be Archie when he had a mental break down and died his hair blond. The good times.

She was sitting next to her older brother as she wrapped a blanket over both of them.

She's such a sweet and caring angel.

During yesterday's interview, I can't believe I said Betts. I've never called her that before but it also came out so naturally.

I saw the way she blushed and went all red.

I want to make a move on her after the game. That will be my best chance. Impress her and than see if she'll be my girlfriend.

I got my head back in the game as the match began

The game had just ended and we had won. This was the best I've ever played and our team won against those preppy kids which I had promised to Betty.

After all the excitement of winning, we soon headed to the locker rooms and got changed.

Once Archie, Mad Dog and I were changed, we walked to the front of the school where we saw Sweet Pea, Betty and a few others waiting for us.

We all headed down to Pops to enjoy a celebratory meal.

As we walked towards the dinner, I gently grabbed onto Betty's shoulder. She turned around and gave me a soft smile.

The rest walked into the diner, thankfully not noticing Betty and I.

Betty: you were great today. She smiled with a blush instantly starting to form on her face.

She's adorable.

Reggie: thanks. I said as we looked into each other's eyes.
Reggie: I really like you Betty. I said with a slight bit of nervousness.
Betty: I like you too. She smiled widely.

I slowly leaned in and placed a soft kiss against her lips. Her lips moved against mine, embracing the first kiss to our relationship.

Dedicated to Chloe because she wanted this 😂💕

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