Betty x Toni Part 2

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Toni POV:

Betty: T it's know one you need to worry about. She says softly. I scoff.
Toni: we're over. I say as I ran out of her trailer and into my car.

Betty: Princess stop. She begged me but I ignored her and drove off.

I drove a little until I stopped on the side of the road. I didn't know where to go or what to do so I called my best friend Cheryl.

She's a Serpent and told me she's at the Wyrm. She told me to meet her there.

I got back onto the road and headed to the Wyrm, I really hope Betty isn't there.

I arrived at the Wyrm and walked to the back where Cheryl was. Luckily there was no sign of Betty.

I walked up to Cheryl and told her what I heard Betty say. Cheryl was completely shocked and was comforting me.

I had been at the Wyrm for about half an hour when I saw Betty walk in. I let out a sigh.

She walked over to Fp and began talking to him. By her facial expression I could tell she told him about the break up but moved onto something else that seemed more important.

They have been talking for about five minutes when I noticed a tall guy with both of his arms covered in tattoos walk into the bar. He looked really scary and intimidating.

As soon as everyone else saw him they all went quiet and their jaws dropped.

I watched as Betty turned around, unfortunately I couldn't see her face anymore.

"Hey Peanut" the man said to Betty.

She looked back to Fp in disbelief. Fp gave her a smile and she turned around.

Betty: Jay? She said with the most happiest and cutest voice.

She ran up to him and jumped into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his torso and her arms snaked there way around his neck. He had his arms wrapped around her back tightly.

A sense of jealousy rose within me. This is the guy she was talking to on the phone.

I turn to Cheryl who's jaw was dropped.

Toni: who is he? I asked jealousy. She turns to me with a soft smile.
Cheryl: her brother. He was sent to jail four years ago for a crime he didn't commit. For the past years she's been trying to get him out.
Toni: I think I made a really big mistake. I say guiltily.
Cheryl: please don't tell me this was the person you heard her say I love you too. I nodded my head.
Cheryl: Toni! She yells slightly angrily at me. I let out a sigh.

Betty POV:

I was at the bar, whining to Fp about the break up when I noticed the room had gone quiet. I turned around and what I saw made small tears form in my eyes.

Jake: Hey Peanut. He said with a smile.
Betty: Jay? I asked as I ran up to him and into his arms.

I wrapped my legs around his torso and my arms around his neck. He held onto me with a tight grip. I rested my head on his shoulder as I let out happy tears.

Betty: how are you even here? I sobbed in his shoulder. He held me tighter.
Jake: you're plan worked, I'm home for good. He says with a happy smile.

I pulled my head out from his neck and looked at his face.

Betty: I'm so happy you're home. I say with the biggest smile.

Tall Boy and Fp walked up to us and gave us a small smile.

Tall Boy: lets take this into her office. He says and we nod our head. I didn't let get of Jake.

Jake: Betts you have to let go. He says making the men chuckle.
Betty: I'm never letting go. I say and they laugh.

Jake carries me upstairs and puts me down in my office, he sat next to me while the others sat opposite us.

Jake: I hope she hasn't been trouble to look after. He says while messing up my hair.
Fp: don't worry, she was easy to look after. He said with a smile.
Tall Boy: easy to look after? It's easier to look after my 60 cats. He says, using one of the jokes I had said earlier.
Betty: I'm surprised you were able to remember that joke grandpa. I say with a smirk.
Jake: be nice Peanut. He says.
Betty: I'm always nice. I say with a smile.
Tall Boy: we have a different definition of nice then. He says.
Jake: do these two ever stop arguing? He asked with amusement.
Fp: never seen either of them being nice to each other. He says making us all laugh.
Jake: well thank you both for looking after her. He says with a grateful smile.

We all went back down to the bar so Jake and I could catch up on everything. It was so good to be with my brother again, I can barley believe he's here and that my plan worked.

Jake went to say hi to one of his old friends and I decided I wanted to speak to Tall Boy. I know we joke around all the time but I really wanted to thank him for looking after me and helping me get my brother out of jail.

I walked to the bar and sat at a stool near where Tall Boy was serving out drinks.

Tall Boy: Hey trouble maker. He says with a smirk. I laugh.
Betty: hey Tall Boy. I just wanted to say thanks for everything, for always looking after me and helping me get my brother back. I say and he gave me a soft smile.
Tall Boy: no problem. He says sweetly.

I jumped over the bar and embraced him in a hug. He wrapped his arms around me and let out a chuckle.

Tall Boy: don't tell me you're going soft. He says with a smirk rolling off his tongue.
Betty: never, but I'm probably the only person who will ever hug you. Just doing some charity work. I say with a smirk. He let out a chuckle.

Fp: do I see this correctly? Are you guys actually hugging. He asked with amusement.

Tall Boy and I instantly took a step away from each other. We all let out a laugh.

Betty: well I guess I'm going into retirement as the King is back. I say.
Fp: why, aren't you gonna remain the Queen? He asked.
Betty: well I only ever become the Queen was so when Jake came back he could have his role back.
Jake: well it looks like you've been doing an amazing job. Stay, I'll be the King and you can be the Queen. He says.
Betty: are you sure? I mean don't you want to have a girlfriend or something and she can become the Queen? I asked.
Jake: I don't think I'll be dating for a long time. He says making us all chuckle.
Tall Boy: well that retirement was short. He says with a smirk. The guys lets out a laugh.
Betty: maybe we should put you into retirement. I mean you're already over 100. I say with a smirk. Fp and Tall Boy laugh at me.
Jake: what happened to my sweet sister? He says playfully while shaking his head.

As he said I heard a soft voice say my name.

Toni: Betty can we talk? She asked. I nod my head and hop over the bar.

We walked outside and I leaned against the brick wall.

Toni: I am so sorry for this morning. I had no idea that it was your brother and I should have given you the chance to explain. I am such an asshole, especially after everything you've done for me. I love you so much. She says with tears in her eyes
Betty: Toni it's fine. I love you too. I say as I leaned in and kissed her.

I hope you enjoyed ❤️
Cute Coopaz moment and Betty got her brother back.

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