Betty x Sweet Pea // brother sister ( friendship)

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A cute lil something. This is my 100th one shot. WOAH. Thank you all for getting this far.

Betty POV:

I was pacing around my room, wondering what I should do about this small situation I have going on.

There's this guy named Reggie, he's very attractive but I'm just not at that stage in my life where I want to start dating.

He flirts with me everyday and always tries to message me on any social media of mine that he has.

It's been going on for a month now and I thought he would have stopped, but he hasn't.

I just want him to leave me alone.

I'm considering telling my older brother Sweet Pea. The thing is, if I do tell him. He'll be really mad at Reggie and will probably hurt him.

I let out a sigh and decided that if I wanted this to end, I had to tell Sweet Pea.

I walked to his room and knocked on his door. You may wonder why I don't just walk in, but I have no idea what he does, and some stuff I don't want to find out.

Sweet Pea: come in. He called out.

I walked in and jumped onto his bed next to him.

Sweet Pea: hey, what's up? He asked with a soft smile.
Betty: I just kinda need your help with something. I said as I sat comfortably next to him.
Sweet Pea: homework no, anything else, yes. He said making me chuckle.
Betty: there's just this guy- I started but he cut me off.
Sweet Pea: give me his name. He said sternly.
Betty: Sweet Pea, I don't want you to hurt him- I started but he wasn't having it.
Sweet Pea: name. He said again.
Betty: Reggie. I said with a sigh.
Sweet Pea: I'll be home soon. He said as he kissed my head and walked out.

I want to say that telling him was a bad idea but that means I won't have to deal with Reggie anymore.

I walked into the kitchen and sat on the bench, next to where dad, Fp, was cooking.

Fp: where was your brother off to in such a rush? He asked.
Betty: helping me with a little problem. I said.
Fp: what's his name? He asked with a smirk. I let out a chuckle.
Betty: Reggie. I said.
Fp: if he told me it was about a boy, I would have let him take his gun. He said seriously.
Betty: dad! I said as I hit his shoulder.
Fp: what? He asked, pretending to be confused. I let out a chuckle as I walked into the lounge.

I watched tv for about half an hour when I heard the front door open. I turned to face it and saw Sweet Pea.

He looked completely unfazed but he had a small smirk on his face.

Betty: that was quick. I said with a chuckle. He smiled and took a seat next to me.
Sweet Pea: wasn't that hard to find him and he is pretty weak. He said with a shrug.
Betty: thank you. I said honestly as I embraced him in a hug. He smiled.
Sweet Pea: I'd do anything for my baby sis. He said as he began messing up my hair.
Betty: Sweet Pea! I yelled as I hit him.
Sweet Pea: sometimes I wish I had a brother. You're to much of a girl. He said making me laugh.
Betty: a girl that does your homework for you. I said as I raised an eyebrow.
Fp: haven't I told you to stop that? He said as he began setting plates out on the kitchen table.
Betty: not my fault I like helping him and want him to graduate High School. I said.
Sweet Pea: speaking of homework, I need held with Math. He said making dad and I chuckle.
Fp: she can help you later, but for now, come and eat dinner.

We love sibling friendship

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