Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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Betty POV:

The only people who know I'm pregnant are Polly and her family.

Polly: I'm so sorry Betty. She said as she wiped away some of my tears that had fallen.
Betty: Polly, I wouldn't ask if I wasn't desperate, but can I please stay a few nights? If I can't I'll find a hotel, it's fine. I said.
Polly: Betty, Jason and I owe you absolutely everything. You can stay here for as long as you need. The twins miss their aunty. She smiled.
Betty: thank you Polls, I really appreciate this. I said as I embraced her in a tight hug.
Polly: be careful of the bub inside you. She said with the happiest smile.
Polly: I'll give you some space for now my love, but come down soon. Dinner will be ready and they all miss you. I miss you. She said as she kissed my forehead and left me to rest.

I lied under the covers as I reached for my phone.

I messaged Tyler, telling him my exact location and that I was safe.

He told me how Sweet Pea was smashing things, completely messing up the house.

I wouldn't know why, he chose to fuck some bitch and knock her up.

A few weeks ago, Sweet Pea and I took a break.

Our relationship was starting to suffocate us so we spend a week part.

I thought it was a good change for him and I, I guess he just couldn't keep his dick in his pants.

I sat in self pity for half an hour until I finally decided that it was enough. I have a beautiful family waiting downstairs. I should be spending time with them and making sure that I'm keeping my baby healthy.

I walked downstairs and saw the twins watching tv as Jason and Polly made dinner.

Polly: glad to see that you've came down. She said with a smile.
Jason: it's good to see you again Betts. He smiled.

Ever since Polly and Jason started dating, he's been nothing but a sweet and caring man to not only Polly, but me as well.

If I ever had a bad day at school, he would take me out to get ice-cream.

Whenever I had a cheerleading game he would always come, although I'm pretty sure he only came to watch the game. But still, the gesture was there.

Jason is a great guy.

Betty: miss me? I smirked.
Jason: absolutely not. I already have two kids to deal with, don't need a third. He smirked.
Betty: shut up. I said making the two of them in the kitchen laugh.

I walked into the lounge and the twins turned to face me, their eyes lighting up.

This is the first time I've seen them since their second birthday, which was five months ago.

They grow up so fast. I feel like I've missed so much already.

Juniper: aunty Betty!
Dagwood: aunty Betty! They both yelled as they jumped off of the couch and ran up to me.

I leaned down as the twins embraced me in tight hugs.

Betty: I've missed you guys so much. I said as I held them tight and kissed each of their heads.

Juniper: please come watch tv with us. They both pouted as they pulled me closer to the couch.

I let them pull me and I sat on the couch in between them.

Betty: you guys are so strong. I said as I began tickling their chests.

They were squirming around all over me and the couch, giggling as they tried pushing my hands off of them.

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