Betty x Toni Part 1

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Betty POV:

I'm Betty Cooper and a couple years ago I was awarded the honour of leading the Serpents as Serpent Queen.

I was sitting in a meeting with Tall Boy, Fp, Jughead and a few other important people.

Every meeting I have with Tall Boy we always end up arguing about something stupid, entertaining everyone else and ourselves in the room.

We were discussing a normal topic when we somehow changed the topic to me being a lesbian. Tall Boy isn't homophobic, neither are any of the Serpents, thank god.

We somehow got onto the topic of if I've ever had sex with a guy, don't ask why or how.

We were in the middle of our latest topic when Sweet Pea walked in and informed me that Toni was asking to see me. Apparently she was crying. She's my girlfriend so I immediately ended the meeting, if you can call it that.

Betty: okay this meeting about my sex life is over and can be continued next week, same day and time. Next we can talk about Tall Boys none existent one. I say with a smirk. Tall Boy rolls his eyes while everyone else laughs.

Tall Boy: you're so funny queen. He says as everyone walks out.
Betty: oh don't worry, I know. Now come on grandpa, it's 2 pm, isn't it getting a little late for you? And you have to make sure to feed your sixty cats. I say with a smirk.
Tall Boy: how do I tolerate you? He asked with a sigh.

As he said that we heard a little giggle coming from the doorway. We both turned our heads and saw Toni with a small smile on her face. She walked up to me and I hugged her from behind. I rested by head on her shoulder so I could still look at Tall Boy.

As Sweet Pea said, I could see her tear stained face.

Betty: what's so funny Princess? I asked with a happy tone.
Toni: I love when you two argue. She says with another cute giggle. Tall Boy lets out a chuckle.

Tall Boy: I'll leave you guys to it. He says. I mouth him a thank you and he walked out.

I unwrapped my hands from around her waist and lead her to a chair. I sat down and sat her in my lap. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her close to me.

Betty: what's wrong Princess? I asked softly. She took a shaky breath in but didn't saying anything.
Betty: hun, you can talk to me. I say as I rubbed the pad of my thumb over her hip.
Toni: I told my parents about me and you being together. They began saying awful things about you and then they kicked me out. She says as tears rolled down her soft cheeks.

My face softened and I hugged her tighter.

I felt bad that she was kicked out because of me. She should just break up with me and leave me so she can be with her family.

Family is such an important thing to me, although I barely have it.

Me, mum, dad and my brother Jake all use to be very close, but unfortunately some stuff happened.

When I was 16, so 4 years ago, Jake, my older brother got sent to prison in a different state for a crime he didn't commit. Mum and dad fell apart and ended up fleeing Riverdale and leaving me here.

Both Jake and I were Serpents at the time of his arrest so I had the Serpents looking out for me. I'm so grateful for Fp and Tall Boy. They've helped me so much over the past four years.

These four years Fp and Tall Boy have been helping me figure out a way to prove that my brother is innocent. We're working on a recent plan and we think it might just work.

We have to keep it under wraps that we're figuring out a way to get him out. It's safer and there's no way anyone can try and plot something against him. I haven't even told Toni I have a brother.

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