Betty x Sweet Pea

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Make sure to like + comment. It's a long one lol.

Betty POV:

Juliet: Can you get the hell out of my room! My sixteen year old daughter yelled at me.

I let out a frustrated sigh as I walked out of her room. Trying to speak to her was pointless.

My daughter absolutely hates me, it started at the age of ten.

I don't know what changed, but she just started telling me how much she hates me and wishes that it was just her and my husband Jughead.

As the years progressed, things just got worse. She would constantly tell me that she hoped I died or that a Ghoulie would get me.

I'm the Serpents Queen, along side my best friend Sweet Pea who is the king. He also has a daughter, who he raised on his own. Her name is Ella.

She's the most beautiful angel in the world.

I wish I had a daughter like her. So sweet and respectful.

Jughead: Betty can we talk? He asked. I let out a sigh and nodded my head.

We walked into the kitchen and we sat opposite each other.

Jughead: I think it's time we got a divorce. He said.

I wasn't surprised.

Jughead loves Juliet and has so much respect for her, which he has none for me now.

Juliet is a suck up to Jughead and she makes him think that I'm the reason for our bad relationship.

I don't care anymore.

At this point I just want to leave and never have to see these two ungrateful people again.

Betty: I agree. You can keep the house, just give me a week or two to find somewhere to live. I said and he nodded his head.

I stood up and walked outside to the patio. I took a seat on one of the decking chairs as I let out a sigh.

This wasn't how my life was supposed to turn out.

I have a shit soon to be ex husband and a daughter who would probably just laugh if I died.

What did I do to deserve this?

Betty: fuck. I whispered as tears left my eyes.

I tried so hard these past six years to fix things in this family, but all I have to show for it is a divorce paper.

As I was sitting in self pity, I heard my phone go off. It was Sweet Pea calling me.

(Sweet Pea and Betty on the phone)

Sweet Pea: hey Betts, Ella and I are going to the Wyrm, wanna come? He asked.
Betty: I can't, not tonight. I said with a shaky voice, I knew that he would have noticed too.
Sweet Pea: hey are you okay? You sound like you've been crying. He asked softly.
Betty: my life is just falling apart, but I'm fine. I said.
Sweet Pea: hey, come to my house okay? We can talk.
Betty: okay. I said as I hung up.

(End of call)

I got into my car and made my way to Sweet Pea's house.

Along the way I had thankfully managed to stop crying, although I knew my eyes would be red and puffy.

Sweet Pea POV:

I had just ended my phone call with Betty and I was extremely confused as to what was going on.

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