Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Betty: back in bed mister. I said as I heard his foot hit the floor.
Sweet Pea: do you even sleep? He groaned. I let out a chuckle as I rolled over to face him.
Betty: I'm doing this so you'll look after yourself. I said.

For the past few months, Sweet Pea has been having problems with his dad, Fp.

Since he was a kid, Fp was nothing but a drunk. He also was the reason Sweet Pea's mum left. Sweet Pea resents his father a lot, I don't blame him either.

These past months, he has tried to work his way into Sweet Pea's life and our family.

Sweet Pea has made it clear to me that he doesn't want myself or Mason, our son, to have contact with Fp until he feels that we'd both be safe.

I fully support Sweet Pea and his decision for our family, although Fp clearly doesn't.

Fp comes to the bar a couple times a week, only ending up with him being kicked out and aggravating Sweet Pea.

If Fp wants a relationship with his son and our family like he says, this is not the way to do it.

Sweet Pea: what about you? You need to look after yourself too. Out of me and you, you're definitely the one who should be on house arrest. He said.

Speaking of father issues, I have one of my own.

Betty: it isn't house arrest if you get to spend the whole day with your son. I said.
Sweet Pea: see, I can't even say anything to that or you'll get mad. I smirked.
Betty: I'm glad you've learned that. I said making us both chuckle.

As we continued talking, our little man ran into our room.

He jumped onto our bed and layed in the middle of Sweet Pea and I.

He's six, the most amazing and beautiful six year old.

He has my blonde hair and the rest of his facial features perfectly represent Sweet Pea.

Betty: good morning little man, how did you sleep? I asked as I kissed his head.
Mason: good. He giggled as he squirmed around.

We began tickling him and laughing as he laughed too.

After all the tickling, he layed back down calmly.

Betty: I've got a very special job for you today. I smiled looking down at Mason.
Mason: what is it? He asked excitedly.
Betty: you're going to be in charge of daddy today. You can do whatever you want, you just need to make sure he doesn't leave this apartment, okay? I said. His eyes instantly lit up as he jumped onto Sweet Pea.
Sweet Pea: you have got to be kidding me. He said as he looked at me.
Mason: we're going to play games all day! He yelled excitedly.
Betty: good, I'm gonna have a shower and be working downstairs, okay bud? I asked Mason and he nodded his head.

I got out of bed and took a quick shower before I headed downstairs.

I first did some work in the office which took up a few hours, then I went to the bar. Just checking that we had enough stock.

As I was in the middle of that, I heard the familiar voice of Fp.

Betty: I'm not telling you again Fp, leave. I said as I turned to face him.
Fp: can't you see Betty, I just want to get to know my son and his family, my grandson. He pleaded with me.
Betty: if you did actually want that, you would respect Sweet Pea's wishes. You know he doesn't want me or Mason anywhere near you until you guys have sorted stuff out. So again Fp, I'm telling you this so you can fix your relationship with Sweet Pea, leave.

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