Betty x Sweet Pea

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Short but I hope you enjoy!

Betty POV:

I looked to my side and saw how stressed and agitated my husband was.

Sweet Pea, my husband, and I have been married for the past two years but have dated for five years.

We've been together for seven years, the happiest years of my life.

Three years into our relationship he asked me to be his Serpent Queen, I said yes.

We both currently sat in our office as we tried to deal with a lot on your plates.

There's a whole load of Ghoulie drama that's stressing him out.

I let out a sigh as I stood up and sat in his lap, caressing his chin.

Betty: baby I need you to breath. He let out a sigh and rolled his eyes.

My love definitely has some anger issues, but he knows that and tries his best to think things through.

I also know what I signed up for when we got engaged, I'm always going to be on his side.

Betty: why don't we grab some dinner, we can come back to this later. I said.
Sweet Pea: Betty I can't waste time. I need to figure out what I'm going to do next. He said sternly.
Betty: so you can't spare half an hour to have dinner with your wife? I said as I raised an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: exactly, so please move. He said. I stood up and crossed my arms.
Betty: Drop the attitude. I told him as I walked downstairs.

Sweet Pea and I almost have this routine. He says something insensitive, I warn him and walk downstairs to the bar, about five minutes later of him cooling off, he walks down to the bar and gives me cuddles, kisses and an apology.

It had been five minutes when I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my waist. His head rested on my neck as he placed the most softest kisses.

Sweet Pea: I'm so sorry Betty. I didn't mean to be such a jerk. You always have my time. He said, making a small smile form on my face.

That last sentence was really sweet. 

Betty: you'll be forgiven once we go home and you make us dinner. I said to him. He nodded his head.

I stood up and he wrapped me tightly into his arms and kissed my forehead.

Sweet Pea: I love you more than anything. He said, still feeling guilty.
Betty: I know. I said as I placed a soft peck against his lips.

He unwrapped his arms from around me and connected our hands.

We walked out to his car and he opened the door for me.

Betty: thank you handsome. I smiled.

He got in beside me and I connected his hand with mine.

We drove home in silence, he still felt mad at himself for earlier.

By now he usually would have let it go and we'd be back to normal. I have no idea what's going on with him tonight.

We arrived home and he began making us dinner, still not saying a word.

It had been half an hour of me just watching him from the lounge.

I decided that I needed to do something about it.

I stood up from the couch and walked into the kitchen.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and rested my head on his back.

Betty: what's going on Sweets? I asked him.
Sweet Pea: why do you love me? He asked.

I unwrapped my arms from around him and slipped in between the stove and himself so that I could look into his eyes.

Sweet Pea: like seriously, I'm nothing but a jerk to you. He said.
Betty: Sweet Pea that couldn't be anymore untrue. You're the most amazing man to have ever been in my life. You seriously don't understand how much I need you, and how much you've helped me since I was 18. You've always been there for me. I told the love of my life.
Sweet Pea: yeah but every time I get mad at you for no reason- He started but I cut him off.
Betty: I knew what I was getting into when we got married, and I'm pretty happy with the way my life has turned out. You make me happy.
Sweet Pea: but-
Betty: can you please except that I love you no matter what? Yeah we'll have an argument or argue with each other over stupid things but it's less than five minutes before we're kissing and cuddling again. It's because I know you would never intentionally hurt me. That's not who you are. So please my love, know that I'm happy with you. I said as I wrapped my arms tightly around him.
Betty: okay? I said as I looked into his beautiful eyes.
Sweet Pea: okay. He whispered as he rested his head on mine.
Sweet Pea: I just want you to be happy. He said.
Betty: I'm happy when you're happy. I smiled into his chest.

I soon let go of him and he finished making our dinner.

We ate in a peaceful silence as our hands were connected over the table.

Betty: I'm so lucky. I smiled at him.

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