Betty x Sweet Pea

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sorry, that was aggressive 👉👈🥺

Betty POV:

I sat in Sweet Pea's apartment as I excitedly waited for him to come back.

Today was his first day of going to therapy.

Both Sweet Pea and I have a lot of issues from when we were teenagers that really haven't left us.

We're in our early 20's now.

About two years ago I decided to start therapy. It was a hassle finding a therapist that I felt comfortable with, but I did.

Ever since having our once a week meetings, I do feel like my life is changing for the better.

I'm able to learn how to accept, process and move past all the challenges I've had to face.

I encouraged Sweet Pea to try out therapy as I felt it would be really good for him too.

The door soon opened and he had a frustrated look on his face.

It didn't go as well as I hoped.

Betty: how was it bubba? I asked him softly.
Sweet Pea: stupid and useless. He said angrily.
Betty: Sweets? What's going on. I asked him.

He shouldn't be this mad over a fifty minute session.

Sweet Pea: the guy is a prick who thinks he knows shit about me. He growled out.

The guy he saw is the guy I see. He's a great person and the most helpful person for me.

Betty: don't you think you're overreacting? I asked.

Sweet Pea is the Serpents king. I'm sure he's overreacting due to the fact that he has to be open and vulnerable.

My baby has a long way to go in moving on.

Sweet Pea: no, no I'm not. The guy is stupid and so is anyone who does therapy. He yelled but then soon stopped, realising what he had said.
Betty: thanks a lot Sweet Pea. I said as I walked to the door.

He rushed up to me and wrapped me into his arms.

Sweet Pea: I didn't mean that. He said in shock.
Betty: let me go, I want to go home. I said, not looking at him.
Sweet Pea: Bet- He started but I didn't want to hear it.
Betty: let go of me. I said.

He unwrapped his arms from around me with a sigh.

I opened the door and walked out, avoiding all the Serpents who were crowded throughout the bar.

I got into my car and headed to my house along the North Side.

I flopped onto the couch as I held back tears.

Therapy has been my real saviour. It's gotten me through all the tough times and taught me how to love myself.

It's always been there when I needed it, so him to call me stupid when he knows how much it has deeply changed my life. It really hurts.

I lifted my hand to my face as I gently wiped away a tear that had fallen.


It had been a few hours when I heard a knock on my door. I'm assuming it's Sweet Pea.

I let out a sigh as I got up and opened the door.

He was holding a bouquet of roses in his hands.

Sweet Pea: I am very very sorry. He said.
Betty: oh my god Sweet Pea, I told you not to get those anymore. I said as I quickly took the flowers out of his hand and walked into the kitchen.

Roses are my favourite flower but Sweet Pea is allergic to them. I definitely care a lot more about his health then flowers.

Sweet Pea: but they're your favourite. He argued.
Betty: I care more about your health than flowers. I said as I filled up a vase with water.

I placed the flowers in them and placed them on my kitchen table.

Sweet Pea: I'm really sorry for what I said earlier. I didn't mean it at all. I was acting stupid and said something I completely didn't mean. He said. I nodded my head.
Betty: thank you. I said.
Sweet Pea: I don't deserve you. He sighed.
Betty: yeah. I smirked. He rolled his eyes playfully.
Betty: you know what would make me happy? I asked with happy eyes. He let out a sigh, knowing where this was going.
Sweet Pea: I am the Serpent King, why must you ruin me like this? He said.
Betty: because it's cute and I love it. I know you love it too. I said.
Sweet Pea: fine. He said as he rolled his eyes.
Betty: thank you bubba. I smiled with joy.

He might be king of the Serpents, but in this relationship, I'm the boss.

Sweet Pea: you're trying to ruin my image. He chuckled as he walked up to me and wrapped me in his arms.
Betty: I didn't know you had one. I smirked, his jaw dropped.
Sweet Pea: you won't be saying that when I don't wear the oodie. He said and my jaw dropped.

My favourite thing to do with Sweet Pea is cuddle up in our oodies. They're blankets that have sleeves for your arms. So you can cuddle up together and stay warm in each other's arms.

Literally the best thing to have been invented.

Betty: I'm not leaving until you promise you will. I said.
Sweet Pea: I promise. He said as he kissed my head.
Sweet Pea: I love you so much. He said as he looked down at me with love in his eyes.
Betty: I know you do. I love you too. I smiled as I leaned up and placed a peck on his lips.

He let go of me and we walked out to his truck.

I sat closely tucked into his side as I turned the heater all the way up.

Sweet Pea kept one hand on the wheel and one arm wrapped around me.

I'm in heaven.

We soon arrived at the Wyrm and we walked up to his apartment above it.

We walked into his room and put on our oddies.

I looked to Sweet Pea and jumped into his arms.

He caught me and we fall onto his bed. I was laying on top of him and rested my head on his chest.

Sweet Pea: you comfortable here or want to go into the lounge? He asked.
Betty: stay here. I mumbled into his chest.
Sweet Pea: cutie pie. He smiled as he wrapped his arms over my back.
Betty: you're my cute little apple pie. I said as I kissed his nose. He smiled up at me.

I rested my head back down on his chest as I listened to his heartbeat.

We had been in silence for a few moments when he spoke up.

Sweet Pea: I'll try therapy again. He said. I looked up at him and shook my head.
Betty: you don't need to do that for me. I said.
Sweet Pea: I do bubba. He said.
Betty: are you sure? I get that it isn't for everyone. I said.
Sweet Pea: yeah, but. He said as he took a breath in.
Sweet Pea: I want you to be there with me. He said.
Betty: if that's what you want, of course. I said as I held him tighter.
Betty: I love you no matter what. I said.
Sweet Pea: thank you. He said.

I smiled as I kissed his temple, nose then lips.

Betty: my everything. I said.

Repeat after me, cute

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