Betty x Sweet Pea Part 2

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last part, I hope you enjoy!

Betty POV:

I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. I couldn't help but laugh as I looked at my old room. Its all so pink and girly.

I feel terrible for leaving.

Riverdale is where I should have stayed the whole time. I was to young to make the decision to stay or leave.

I wish I never left dad and Jughead. They loved me and I left them. I let out a sigh.

Toledo was great to me, the people were good and I had a sense of family but it will never beat real family. I don't even know what I'm supposed to do with mum, she's locked up for god knows how long. I don't think she should be apart of my life anymore, all she does is betray my trust, but then again I was stupid to believe that she would stop doing illegal business for me, her daughter. Stupid me.

I like Jake but that's all, I knew I'd never love him. He made me happy and he made me feel special, but in my heart I knew their was another guy I was made for.

I'll always love Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea and I were always extremely friendly with each other. I mean when ever we were together I would always cuddle into him, kiss his cheek, hug him, hold his hand and anything else that wasn't to inappropriate for a six year old. I loved being close to him.

I really want Sweet Pea and I to get together, I've missed him all these years. I missed my cuddly best friend.

I never stopped thinking about his soft hands that would brush against my face when he was pushing some hair behind my ear. I never forgot the feel of his lips against my head and forehead. I never forgot the soft and caring smiles he gave me. I never forgot the way he'd hold my hand in his. I never forgot the way he would get mad at Jughead when Jughead didn't do what I wanted. I remember all the things he did for me.

I never forgot about him.

I picked up my phone and saw a lot of missed calls from Jake.

I blocked his number and called my best friend who's also a Toledo Serpent. I trust him with anything that comes to my mind. I told him that he's now in charge of the Serpents and I'm officially out. He agreed and we caught up a little. He was worried about me since he couldn't find me at my house in Toledo.

I told him where I was and how things were going. He was happy that I was happy and safe.

After a 30 minute conversation, we said our goodbyes and hung up.

I got up out of bed and changed into some spare clothes that I had brought with me.

I walked out of my room and into the lounge. The mess was annoying me so I decided to clean the place up.

I threw out all the rubbish and old news papers, as well as put everything back where it's supposed to be. I don't know how the boys managed to live in this mess, and now that I'm back I'm going to make sure it never gets that dirty again.

I looked at the time and it read 7:25 am.

I walked into the kitchen and began cooking breakfast for the boys.

I got out some bread, bacon and eggs.

I put the eggs and bacon into a pan as I put the bread into the toaster.

Everything finished up nicely. I made three plates of food and placed them on the kitchen table.

As I did that, dad woke up and joined me for breakfast.

Betty: when does Juggie usually wake up? I asked dad.
Fp: 12 pm if you're lucky. My jaw dropped.
Betty: he's still incredibly lazy. I said making us both laugh.

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