Betty x Sweet Pea

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A lil one. Make sure to vote.

Sweet Pea POV:

It was late afternoon as I sat on the couch and went onto Snapchat. I sent my streaks which I only have because my girlfriend, Betty, made me.

I then went through people's story's, I usually just skiped everyones until I got to Betty's.

I got up to Betty's and she posted a picture with a tear running down her face. The caption was 'the worst day of my life'. It had been posted five minutes ago.

I went into my messages with her and asked if she was okay, only to be left on seen.

I tried texting her again but she kept ignoring me. I then decided to message her brother, Jughead.

He thankfully answered me and told me that Betty's pet fish, Lenny, died.

I honestly don't even know why she has a pet fish, she's allergic to the whole damn ocean. If she's sleeping with her mouth open one night, and the fish jumps into her mouth. It would kill my baby girl. In other words, she allergic to all fish.

I also think the fish hates me, whenever I'm in the same room as the tank, the fish hides in one of the many castles Betty has bought for him.

I looked back to my messages and Jughead told me to come over since he had to leave.

I picked up my keys and got onto my bike.

I quickly arrived at her house and Jughead let me in.

I walked straight up to her room. As soon as I walked in, all I saw was a tear stained face.

I looked to her with a soft and sorry look, making her burst into more tears.

Sweet Pea: baby. I whispered as I took a seat on her bed and wrapped her in my arms.

She might be crying over a stupid reason to me, but I never want to see her upset.

Betty: Lenny's dead Pea. She said as she looked up into my eyes.
Sweet Pea: I know baby, I'm so sorry. But he's in a better place now. I said as I pulled her into my lap.

She looked up into my eyes and nodded her head. She stayed strong for only a couple more seconds before she broke out into tears.

Sweet Pea: baby girl, it's okay. I said softly as I rubbed her back in circular motions.
Betty: he was the cutest and most well behaved fish. She said as she wiped her eyes.

If this wasn't my girlfriend I probably would have burst out laughing, like seriously, this is a gold fish we're talking about.

I was about to say something when Fp walked into her room. He didn't look to impressed that his daughter, the Serpents Princess, was crying over a fish.

Fp: Betty it's just a fish. He said making her cry again. I glared at him.
Fp: if I get you another one will you calm down? He asked in a softer manner.
Betty: no. She said.
Betty: no other fish can replace Lenny. She said as a few more tears left her eyes.

I looked to Fp who was completely done with this conversation.

Fp: well anyway, I'm heading to the Wyrm. He said as he walked out.

Betty cuddled more into me as she let out a sigh.

Betty: he doesn't understand. She said. I kept rubbing her back.

For the next five hours we sat in her room as she started to talk more, slowly dropping the conversation of her fish.

I listened as her angelic voice spoke softly and calmly. She is an angel hidden in a human body. Most importantly, she is my angel.

It started to get late so we joined Fp and Jughead downstairs as we all ate dinner together.

Betty: daddy? She asked as she put her knife and fork down.
Fp: yes Princess? He asked.
Betty: can I have a puppy? She asked with her cutest smile.

Fp, Jughead and I all let out a sigh.

Fp: whatever you want Princess. He mumbled. Betty smiled happily.

This girl always gets her way. She has us all wrapped around her finger and I wouldn't want it any other way.

I hope you enjoyed and please remember to vote

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