Betty x Sweet Pea

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Short and sweet x

Betty POV:

Veronica: Betty he's driving me insane. I heard my best friend say as she stormed into Sweet Pea and I's apartment above the Wyrm.
Sweet Pea: I'm so glad you feel comfortable coming into our apartment whenever you like. He groaned as I turned off the tv and faced Veronica.
Betty: play nice. I warned him.
Sweet Pea: mh, for you. He said as he kissed my head.

I smiled up at him as I cuddled myself more into his arms.

Veronica: I can't deal with you guys right now, I'm in the middle of a crisis. She said.
Betty: what's up? I asked as Sweet Pea played with my hair.
Veronica: Tyler. She said.

Tyler is the leader of a gang, allies with the Serpent.

Betty: classic gang leader being an idiot? I questioned and she nodded her head.
Sweet Pea: I wasn't an idiot though, right? He asked. Veronica laughed.
Veronica: you should have heard all the complaining she did about you. She smirked.
Sweet Pea: really? He asked, looking down at me.
Betty: I love you too death Sweet Pea, but you weren't exactly the most easy person to be around sometimes. I said.
Veronica: anyway, help me B. She begged.
Betty: well when you got into your relationship with Tyler, you knew from my experience, it was extremely hard. A gang leader doesn't just let someone in. It takes time, effort, just so much damn time. And yes it's hard, I thought about breaking up with this idiot on multiple occasions- I started.
Sweet Pea: why am I such a bad boyfriend? He asked in shock.
Betty: Baby you're not a bad boyfriend, you were just acting the way you were trained to be. Which that took me a long time to learn. I said as I kissed his lips.
Betty: it's hard V but you need to stick with it, try talking to him, telling him how you feel. If I didn't, Sweets and I wouldn't be together. I told her.
Veronica: but what if I talk to him and nothing changes? She asked.
Betty: impossible. Leaders don't have that many girlfriends, so if he agrees to date you, he'll do absolutely anything to keep you and let everyone know that you're his. Like when Sweet Pea and I would go on dates, he'd always have his arm wrapped around me, keep me in his lap or just straight up make out with me.
Sweet Pea: the good times. He smirked, I let out a chuckle and rolled my eyes.
Veronica: I'm scared, I don't want to lose him. She said.

I got up out of Sweet Pea's lap and sat by Veronica, wrapping her up in my arms.

Sweet Pea: baby. He whined. I smiled into Veronica's hair.
Betty: all this hard work will pay off, trust me. He'll turn into the biggest softy for you, you become his only priority. He whines when you leave his embraces, he gets upset if you're away from him for even a minute. He constantly checks up on you because he needs to know that his Princess is okay. He holds you when you're scared, he cuddles you and gives you his jacket when you're cold. He plays with your hair and gives you the softest kisses. He gets all blushy when you put on a sexy dress, he does that because he sees how beautiful you are and knows that he's the only guy who can touch you. You become his everything. I smiled so happy.
Veronica: stop hugging me and go back to your mans. She said making me giggle.

I got back into Sweet Pea's embrace as he kissed every inch of me that he could reach.

Sweet Pea: I love you more then anything. He said with the biggest smile and a blush tinting his cheeks.
Betty: I know you do and I love you so much baby. I said as I rested my head on his chest.
Veronica: you guys are what I want Tyler and I to be. She smiled.
Betty: you will be, it'll just take some time. But before you know it, he'll be holding you in his arms so often that you wish he'd stop. I chuckled.
Veronica: thank you B, so much. She said as she stood up.
Betty: you're welcome. I smiled.
Veronica: and oddly enough, thank you Sweet Pea. She said making herself and I laugh.
Sweet Pea: please, repay me by not coming into our apartment every single day unannounced. He said.
Veronica: lock the doors. She winked as she walked out.

Sweet Pea: can we? He asked me.
Betty: no, she'll just end up finding another way in. I laughed.
Betty: now back to tv and cuddling. I smirked. He let out a chuckle as he kissed my head.
Sweet Pea: I really am glad that you stuck around. He said. I smiled and kissed his lips.
Betty: so am I. It was all worth it. I smiled.
Betty: all worth it. I said as watched whatever was on tv.


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