Betty x Archie

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I love writing but I seriously don't have the time for it. Like I make time that I shouldn't, to make sure stuff gets posted and done.
Requested by: boolia_is_boolin

Archie POV:

Betty and I were chilling at my house like we did every Saturday night.

Ever since we were young, we've been best friends. I know everything there is to know about her.

As soon as we met each other, we became inseparable.

Betty: Arch, can you get me a drink please? She asked. I nodded my head and walked into the kitchen, getting us both a drink.

I walked back in and watched as she blushed, saying thank you and looking down at her lap.

This past week she's been a bit off with me. I have no idea if I've done some wrong or maybe she's bored of our friendship.

Archie: Betty? I asked, getting her attention.
Archie: what's wrong? I asked her.
Betty: nothing. She said with a fake smile.
Archie: Betts I know you better than that. I said.
Betty: if I tell you, you won't want to be my friend anymore. She said.

No matter what happens I'd always be her friend. I honestly couldn't image my life without her.

She's just always been there, by my side and helping me along the way. I need her.

Archie: I could never not be your friend. I said.
Betty: I like you. I heard her mumble. I was shocked.

For the past two months I've noticed myself develop some feelings for her. I tried to push them down because I too didn't want to make things awkward between us.

Archie: I like you too. I said as I pulled her closer to me and wrapped my arm around her shoulder.

She looked up to me with those beautiful green eyes I had always admired. 

Betty: really? She asked with a blush
Archie: of course I do. How couldn't I like you? I asked making her blush an even darker shade of red.
Archie: you're adorable. I said as I shifted some of her hair behind her ear.

We looked into each other's eyes and began kissing, this is going to be both of our first kisses.

Our lips attached to each other's and it wasn't what I expected.

In the movies it's always so perfect and amazing, our kiss was kinda shit.

Betty: woah, we really can't kiss. She said making us both laugh.
Archie: maybe we should watch a tutorial. I said.
Betty: that's a good idea. She said.

She went on her phone and for the next half an hour, we watched and took notes on how the people in the videos were kissing each other.

We finished the last video and looked back at each other.

Archie: should we try this again? I asked making us chuckle. She nodded her head.

We once again leaned in and I already noticed a small difference. The kiss wasn't as rushed as the first one which definitely helped a lot.

We embraced each other's lips in a passionate and loving kiss. I love her as a friend and I know I will love her as a girlfriend.

Betty and I leaned out, both needing air.

Betty: that was amazing. She said with flushed cheeks.
Archie: yeah, it was. I said with a smile.

For the remainder of the night, she was cuddled into my arm and we watched some romantic movie she choose.

It started to get late and I saw the face she makes whenever she's exhausted.

Her eyes are only slightly open and she curls up into a ball. I love it.

Archie: come on, let's got to bed. I said as I turned off the tv and offered her my hand.

She gratefully took my hand and I lead her up to my bed.

She was already in a pair of my sweatpants and a baggy shirt. She looked so perfect in my clothes.

I was also wearing a shirt and sweatpants.

We got into my bed and she snuggled close to my chest.

Archie: are you warm? I asked as I made sure the blankets were wrapped around her. She nodded her head with a smile.

Betty: night Archie. She whispered into my neck as she placed a soft kiss against it.
Archie: night beautiful. I whispered as I kissed her hair and closed my eyes.

If this is a dream, I'd never want to wake up.

I'm really tired and I thought this was a lil funny twist

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