Betty x Malachi

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I haven't done a Malachi and Betty in a long time 😓

Betty POV:

I ran out of Sweet Pea's trailer crying. That son of a bitch kissed my best friend.

He came running after me and wrapped me up in his arms.

Sweet Pea: baby please I'm sorry. He said desperately. I rolled my eyes and pushed him as far away as possible from me.

Betty: you're a fucking asshole, you dirty prick. I yelled at him as I ran away, not even knowing where I was going. Just running.

I found myself at the end of sweet water river. I was sitting peacefully on the sand dunes as I listened to the sound of the waves crashing together. Something about it all felt so calming. I enjoyed the fact that I was surrounded by all natural sounds.

I was there for a decent two hours when I heard the sound of dried up leaves crunching underneath someone's foot, coming from a distance.

It wasn't until the person stopped in front of me I realised who it was. Malachi.

Malachi has been flirting with me for a long time. It all started when I started dating Sweet Pea. Malachi only probably did it to annoy Sweet Pea, which it worked.

Malachi: how come your ogre of a boyfriend let you out alone so late at night gorgeous? He said with a hint of amusement but he also sounded worry for my safety. I smiled at how he taunted Sweet Pea but also because he seemed to always care more then Sweet Pea did.
Betty: well I broke up with that ogre. I said making him smirk.
Malachi: so you're available then? He said as he moved closer to me. I laughed and nodded my head.
Malachi: good to know. He purred out, making me blush although the lighting was too dim for him to notice.
Malachi: well, since you're alone, why don't you come with me to a party that the Ghoulies are having near by? He asked as he held out his hand for me to take. I smirked and connected my hand with his.

He pulled me up and wrapped his arm around my back as I kept close to him.

We took a short walk as the sound of loud music and people laughing became louder. I guess when I was sitting down earlier I was so caught up in my own head that I didn't notice the blasting music.

We arrived at the party, a guy and a girl instantly came up to Malachi with a smirk.

Toni: we'll be looking after her. She said with a smirk.

I have no idea who she is but Malachi gave her a smile so I trusted that I would be fine.

Malachi: after you're done with them, find me. He whispered seductively into my ear.

He walked away with a smirk on his face. I turned back to the two people in which I still hadn't learned their names.

They looked to me with a smirk and dragged me to a quieter place.

We sat down on a couple of logs and all faced each other.

Fangs: so you're obviously Betty Cooper- I cut them off.
Betty: how do you know that and what's your name? I asked them. They smiled.
Toni: I'm Toni and that idiot next to me is Fangs. He rolled his eyes playfully.
Toni: And for as how do we know you, it's because Malachi never stops talking about how stunning you are. She said basically exposing him.

A very red blush covered my face which they were definitely able to see. They smirked.

Fangs: sooo, do you like him? He asked as they both smirked.

Malachi is honestly very sweet and caring and the fact that he talks to his friends about me made a warm feeling spread within me.

I must admit, whenever he flirted with me I didn't think anything of it because of the fact I thought he was only trying to annoy Sweet Pea. But now that I know he was doing it for me, I can't help but feel butterflies in my stomach, for him.

I do like Malachi.

Betty: yeah, yeah I do. I said with a smile. They squealed.
Toni: well go, get your man. She said excitedly. I giggled and walked off, trying to find Malachi.

I walked around for only about a minute until I found Malachi talking to some buff looking guy. Malachi saw me and politely excused himself.

He walked up to me and had a big smile on his face.

Malachi: hey gorgeous, are they done harassing you yet? He asked with a smirk. I let out a giggle and I nodded my head.

Malachi: wanna dance my love? He asked. I nodded my head.

Him calling me 'love' made my heart melt.

He lead me to where everyone else was dancing and we danced like the weird and crazy teenagers that we are.

It was about 12:53 am and I was sitting in Malachi's lap as we shared a beer together. We were talking about random things but just being with him made me feel so happy and safe, loved and cared for.

Malachi: come on, you're tired, you can stay at mine. He said.

I gave him a look saying I wasn't sure.

Malachi: I'll take the couch. He said. I nodded my head.

He walked me to his bike and gave me his helmet.

After a short, peaceful drive through the South Side, we arrived at his house. It looked so beautiful.

Malachi: my rooms down the hall to the left, you can borrow some clothes to sleep in if you want. He said thoughtfully. I smiled and nodded my head.
Betty: thank you Kai. I said as I stood on my tippy toes and placed a kiss on his cheek.

I walked off as I saw a blush form on his handsome face.

I entered his room and changed into some of his clothes. They were so big and comfy on me.

I layed in his bed as I thought about him. Everyone portrays him as this evil drug dealing guy. He's really just a sweetheart that is all soft and warm.

Maybe I'll get to call him mine.

I woke up the next morning to the smell of eggs and bacon filling my nostrils.

I slowly got up and found my way to his kitchen. I watched as he made two plates of food.

He's so adorable.

Betty: morning. I said to him. He turned around and smiled as he scanned my body up and down.
Malachi: morning Pumpkin. He said with another cute nickname.

He ushered me over to the table and plated breakfast in front of me.

We made small talk as I couldn't help but admire the small smirks and grins he'd give me. I want him.

Betty: Kai, can I ask you something? I asked him. He nodded his head encouragingly.
Betty: all the times you flirted with me. Did you do it because you meant it or because you wanted to make Sweet Pea angry? I asked him.
Malachi: I did it because I wanted you and knew that I could treat you better then that snake. He said in a calming way.
Betty: kiss me Chai. I said.

He was taken back by what I had said but complied. He pulled me into his lap as he caresses my left cheek with his left hand.

Malachi: so gorgeous. He hummed just as he connected our lips.

As his soft lips touched mine, I used my hands to hold onto Malachi's muscular arms so I didn't literally fall from the amount of happiness that was radiating through my body.

His tongue snuck into my mouth as I let him go wherever he wanted. I want to be his.

Betty: I'm yours. I breathed out as I looked deep into his eyes.

He raised both his hands to my cheeks and looked lovingly into my eyes.

Malachi: you're my everything. He said as he placed his lips on mine once again.

Sorry I haven't updated in forever!
I just haven't really had any ideas ( now I have a couple ) and I also haven't had that much time.
So I hope you all enjoyed ❤️
I also edited this at 12:30 am, lets see how this goes 😂😂

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