Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Me and my boyfriend, Sweet Pea were having a lazy night in.

I was cuddled into his side as we began the conversation of sex and who could last the longest with out begging for it.

I obviously knew that I could last way longer then him.

Betty: lets make a bet, if I last longer without sex, which I will, you'll do everything I ask, which you already do. I say with a giggle.
Betty: if you win, we can fuck whenever you want. I say with a smirk.
Sweet Pea: sounds like a deal. He smirked.

I moved into his lap and wiggled my ass against his dick. He immediately picked me up and sat me next to him. I giggle.

Sweet Pea: that isn't fair. He says. I grin.
Betty: we never set any rules. I can do whatever I want to you baby. I said with a smirk as I stood up and walked to our room.

I walked into our room and I changed into one of Sweet Pea's shirts, I then changed into a mint green pair of lace panties, they're his favourite.

I heard Sweet Pea walk down the hall way and when he saw me, his jaw dropped. He knew I was gonna play dirty. I slowly and seductively pulled up my shirt, revealing my breasts since I had taken off my bra.

Betty: do I look pretty babe? I asked while tilting my head a little.

I watched as his eyes scanned up and down my body. I let out a smirk, this is going to be easy.

Sweet Pea: of course you look pretty. You look like a fucking goddess. He says while walking up to me and pulling me flush against his rock hard abs.

Betty: don't get to excited. I say with a smirk as I could feel his bulge against me.

I wiggled my way out of his grip and bended over so he could get a nice view of my ass. I also swayed my ass a little, making a gruff growl escape from his lips.

Sweet Pea: I'm having a shower... a cold one. He mumbled under his breath. I giggle.

He walked into the bathroom that was connected to our room.

As soon as he was completely gone I walked up to the mirror and flipped over my hair and ruffled it up, trying to add a bit more volume to it. I then took off my shirt and decided not to have it on tonight. I love teasing him.

I heard the water stop and I quickly jumped into bed and faced the bathroom door. Waiting for him to walk out.

He soon walked out, only wearing a pair of sweatpants. He saw me practically naked and I knew he wanted to take me on the spot.

Sweet Pea: I swear to god Betty. He says while moving to his side of the bed.

Betty: good night handsome. I say while moving myself onto his chest. He instantly picked me up and moved me back to my side.
Sweet Pea: I'll sleep on the couch if you do that again. I let out a giggle.
Betty: no baby stay with me, I want to cuddle. I say with a pout. He lets out a groan but wraps his arms around me. I rest my head in the crook of his neck.
Sweet Pea: you're lucky I love you. He says.

The next night Sweet Pea and I were going to hang out at the Wyrm with some friends. Toni, Fangs and Jughead would all be there.

Sweet Pea isn't a big fan of Jughead since we use to date.

I was in our room getting changed as Sweet Pea waited for me in the lounge. I decided to put on a black pair of sexy lingerie that I know he'll be obsessed with later tonight.

I walked out of our room and into the lounge

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I walked out of our room and into the lounge.

Betty: lets go. I say while taking his hand in mine.

We arrived at the Wyrm and we saw our friends sitting at the back. I was gonna take a seat but Sweet Pea sat me in his lap. I looked to him and placed a kiss on his lips.

As the night went on the drinks continued. I decided to get me and Sweet Pea some drinks.

I got up off his lap and swung my hips side to side as I walked to the bar.

I arrived at the bar and I was greeted by the new bartender, Jordan.

I met Jordan the last time I was here. He's really funny and sweet, and 100% gay.

Jordan: hey Betts, you look great. He said with a smile.
Betty: thanks J, hows your night? I asked as he made my drinks.
Jordan: full of drunk people. He said making us both laugh.

We talked a little longer before he handed me my drinks and I walked back to Sweet Pea.

As I went back into his lap he held me tighter. As soon as we finished our drinks we decided to call it a night.

We arrived home and he sat on the couch. I decided to give him a little show.

I seductively took off my shirt. Revealing the top half of my lingerie. I then slowly took of my shorts. His eyes were glued to my body.

He stood up and picked me up. I wrapped my arms around his neck and my legs around his torso.

Sweet Pea: you looked this fucking sexy while you talked to Jughead and that bartender. He growls at me.
Betty: mh, what are you going to do about it? I teased.
Sweet Pea: I'm going to fuck you until you can't walk, until your begging me stop. He said possessively. I felt my body melt in his hands.
Betty: but you'd loose the bet. I say pretending to be sad.
Sweet Pea: I couldn't care any less about the bet right now. He said.

He took my lips in a heated kiss that ended up with us having the most amazing sex of our lives.

Swetty is like my go to one shots, if you haven't noticed 😂.
Idk, I just feel really inspired when I write about them.

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