Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Jughead: what the hell was that Betty! He yelled at me outside of the Wyrm.
Betty: I did this for us Juggie! I just wanted to be apart of your world. I cried as I tried to caress both sides of his face.
Jughead: no. He said as he pushed me away from him.
Jughead: you've completely embarrassed me Betty. I can't believe you. He yelled.

I looked at the man I loved in shock. I did the Serpent dance to show him that I'm always going to be by his side. I will love him no matter what.

Betty: why are you acting like this? I sobbed out.
Jughead: I'm done. We're over. He said as he began walking off.

I ran up to him and held onto his arm. He pushed me away from him.

Jughead: leave Betty. He growled as he walked back into the Wyrm.

I sat on the curb as I couldn't stop the uncontrollable tears rolling down my face.

I exposed my body in a way that made me so uncomfortable but I did it for him. And then he has the audacity to break up with me?

He's an asshole and I look like the biggest idiot right now.

Sweet Pea: Betty. I heard him call my name as he walked out of the Wyrm.

I looked up at him. Him and I have never spoken before but I know he's one of Jughead's friends.

Sweet Pea: You're just an entitled North Sider that doesn't belong on the South Side Princess. He smirked as he walked off.

Just another South Side jerk.

I'm so stupid.

I wiped my eyes as I got into my car and headed home.

Mum and dad would be in bed at this hour. I'm sure they'll be excited to find out that Jughead and I broke up.

I'm glad no one I know saw my performance at the Wyrm. I would die of embarrassment if anyone from the North Side knew about it.

I went up to bed, passing my sister Polly's room.

I quickly changed into my pyjamas and got into bed.

This is quite honestly the worst day of my life. I wish I could go back in time, before I ever met Jughead.


I woke up the next morning to my parents and sister yelling.

I quickly got up and walked downstairs, making sure that my sister was okay.

She's five months pregnant and I know my parents are far from happy about it.

She's pregnant with a Serpents baby. His name is Rex, I've never met him before but he's a few years older than Polly.

As soon as she told him that she was pregnant, he said get an abortion and then he left.

My sister and I have a real bad history with Serpents.

Betty: what's going on? I asked as I stood in the kitchen.
Alice: go back to your room! She yelled at me.
Polly: no! They're trying to send me away to some place that'll take away my babies. She said.
Betty: what? I asked as I looked at my mum and dad.
Hal: we want to send her to a place for troubled youth. They can look after her there. He said reassuringly to me. 
Polly: you liar. You want to send me to a place for kids who are misfits and out of control. They drug you Betty, they hurt you. They're trying to kill me. She sobbed out.
Alice: stop being over dramatic like always. It's not my fault or your dads that you got pregnant. She said.
Polly: I'm happy with my life, well apart from you and dad being in it. She yelled as she stormed out of the house.
Betty: look what you've done. I said angrily as I ran up to my room.

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