Betty x Sweet Pea

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This is actually based off something that happened to me. Everything I wrote is real and I'm a confusing person. ( I'm the role of Betty 😂😂 )

Betty POV:

I looked at my school timetable and saw that I had a double of Religion. I'm not religious but this is supposed to be a good school so here I am.

I was really happy to go to that class since it had my crush in there.

I'm in year 10 and he's 11. Our class is mixed and last term me and this guy, Sweet Pea, started talking a lot.

Every lesson we had from then on, he always sat with me and my friend Kayla, of course there were a few days were he sat with his friends. But still, majority of the time he sat with me. Kayla was also a year 11.

I walked into class and took a seat at the back as I waited for Sweet Pea and Kayla.

Kayla was the first one to arrive. She greeted me with a smile and a hello. I said hello back as she took a seat on my right.

Late like usual was Sweet Pea. Our teacher is extremely nice though so he didn't really mind.

Sweet Pea walked over to me and Kayla and gave me a quick glance. He doesn't really greet people with smiles.

Sweet Pea: seriously, no chair? He said. I let out a chuckle as he found one and pushed it over next to me.

The three of us sat quietly as we listened to our teacher explain something.

Sweet Pea: what is he talking about? He asked confusedly, and at this point I was too.
Betty: I have no idea. I said making us both chuckle quietly.

Once our teacher had finished explaining to us whatever he was saying, he handed out two worksheets we had to do.

Sweet Pea groaned although I knew he wasn't going to do it.

I did a little bit of it although I was always getting distracted by either Sweet Pea or Kayla. 

Kayla was studying for a test she had later in the day and Sweet Pea just wanted to talk instead of doing his work.

Sweet Pea and Kayla are always play arguing, although sometimes it seems like they kinda hate each other at some points. Sweet Pea says it's banter but I think otherwise. But the two of them still get along.

The lesson ended way to quickly for my liking and that meant I wouldn't see Sweet Pea until our next lesson. We don't really speak outside of class.

( three months later )

Over these three months, Sweet Pea and I have gotten closer then I would have ever expected.

He always sits with us and I feel so happy.

I have a crush on him although I don't want to date.

I know it may sound stupid but I'm still in school and don't want to date someone just yet. Clearly my heart hasn't gotten the memo though.

Today I had religion again and Kayla wasn't going to be there, she's sick.

When I arrived at class, which was being held in the library, I sat at my usual seat and he sat by his friends. He usually stays there when the teacher explains what we're doing that lesson, then he comes and sits with Kayla and I

Anyway, today our teacher finished explaining everything and Sweet Pea called out my name.

Sweet Pea: wanna go over there? He asked, motioning to a free table. I nodded my head.

As I was about to stand up, our teacher called his name and told him to sit at the table I was sitting at so the helper teacher could mark his practice essay that he did.

Oh my god. My teacher just ruined my one chance to be alone with him.

I can't believe this.

Sweet Pea looked at me and chuckled, he clearly couldn't read my mind because otherwise he would be looking at me like I was a creep.

I let out an internal sigh as he walked over to my table and sat next to me.

It was great that he was next to me but I wanted to be alone with him.

( 1 week later )

I had Religion class once again and I walked to the library, where we were having class today, with Kayla.

Kayla and I picked a free table and sat next to each other. I opened up my lap top and she proceeded to talk to me about any and all topics she could think off. 

Sweet Pea walked in late and saw us. He walked over to Kayla and I and took a seat next to me.

Like usual, he didn't bother to do anything productive and talked to me and Kayla.

As we were talking and I was well and truly distracted, we got on the topic of dating.

~ Flashback ~

A few days ago I was sitting with my group of friends when two of my friends saw someone in our year level had been hurt and was in a wheelchair. My friends wanted to know what happened so two of them ran to where we saw the person being wheeled off. 

Three of us were left and they had been gone for about a minute.

We decided just to go there ourselves since the anticipation was killing us.

We followed in the direction they did, to this area that had picnic tables.

We got to where we last saw our friends but at that point we had lost them. We could either take a left or a right.

As I turned my head left, I saw something that took me by surprise. It looked to be the top of Sweet Pea's head, kissing some girls cheek.

I quickly looked away, although I'm pretty sure he saw me.

My friends and I decided to go left, which was the wrong way as our two friends had told us once we found them.

They were telling us the drama, but in the back of my mind, all I could truly wonder, was that actually Sweet Pea?

~ end of Flashback ~

Sweet Pea: yeah I have a girlfriend. We've been together for a month. He said happily.

Woah. So what I saw was true.

Sweet Pea: I'm pretty sure you saw us the other day, were you looking? He asked.

I could feel myself die on the inside. I knew he caught me. I honestly didn't mean to look that long.

Betty: yeah I saw you. I said with a chuckle.
Betty: me and my friends were in the middle of finding my other friends. I said making him chuckle.

For the next five minutes or so he was telling Kayla and I about how happy he is with her and how both of their families are so supportive.

I was happy for him but was also kinda heartbroken. I never saw myself getting with him but it still hurt.

But he's happy and that's all I care about.

Welp, I'm weird.

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