Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Jughead and I had been dating for a year, it was actually our one year anniversary today.

I had been spending a lot of time at his apartment recently and he had given me a spare key.

I had my own apartment that I share with my best friend, Sweet Pea. Unfortunately Sweet Pea and I aren't really on good terms as of now.

Ever since I've started dating Jughead, we'd argue over everything. Sweet Pea thinks Jughead is just playing me around. He isn't, he loves me.

I pulled out my key to Jughead's apartment and walked inside. As soon as I walked in I heard the sound of soft moans.

Is he cheating on me?

I quietly creeped down the hall way and down to his room. The door was slightly cracked open. Not only were there moans loud, but I could see Jughead thrusting his hips into some bitch.

Betty: what the fuck Jughead? I yelled as I stepped into the room.

They both quickly scrambled to hide there naked body's under the covers.

Jughead: what are you doing here? He asked slightly shocked.
Betty: what the fuck are you doing, fucking some bitch, seriously? I yelled at him.
Jughead: she's better then you ever could be. He said with a smirk.
Betty: why the fuck were you even with me then? I yelled at him.
Jughead: I was with you so I could become the Serpents king. He said with a evil laugh.

I'm apart of a well known gang called the Serpents. My father Fp runs the gang and is the King. I'm the Princess and whoever I marry will become the King.

When I started dating Jughead my dad made it very clear to me that he didn't approve, just like Sweet Pea, and that he wouldn't want Jughead as the Serpents King. I was annoyed that dad wouldn't let him be the King in due time but he's my father, I respect him.

Jughead: and don't be so shocked, you're probably fucking Sweet Pea anyway. He said.
Betty: you're a fucking asshole, oh, and by the way me and Sweet Pea are fucking. You couldn't fuck me right and I needed someone with a big dick to make me beg, someone who will leave me bed bound for a week because that's how hard he fucks me. I said and walked out. Throwing my key somewhere.

I may have told a little lie due to the heat of the moment. Me and Sweet Pea have never slept together. Never even though about it. But now that Jughead brought it up, I'm kinda into it.

Sweet Pea is strong and muscular, he must have a big dick.

Jughead's was a lazy four inch. Thank god I wasn't with him for the sex.

I got in my car and drove back to my apartment.

When I walked inside I slammed the door, prompting Sweet Pea to immediately stand up and come to my side. He wrapped his arms around me, knowing that always calmed me down when I was angry.

Sweet Pea: what's wrong? He asked softly.

For some reason as soon as he asked that question I got all fired up.

Betty: you were right! I yelled at him angrily as I pushed him away from me. He gave me a confused and hurt look.
Sweet Pea: what about? He asked.
Betty: Jughead! I caught him fucking some bitch. He was only with me so he could become the King. I yelled at him. He didn't say anything.
Betty: are you happy? You were right all along. I said angrily.

I have no idea why I'm being a bitch to him. He only tried to protect.

Sweet Pea: of course I'm not fucking happy that he hurt you. How the fuck could you think that? I fucking love you Betty and I never wanted to see you hurt. I only ever tried to protect you from that asshole. He yelled at me.

Sweet Pea knew when he needed to be soft with me and when he needed to give me some tough love.

Sweet Pea: now can I hug you without you pushing me away? He asked sternly. I nodded my head.

He walked up to me and embraced me in a tight hug.

Betty: Sweet Pea? I whispered into his chest as I remember the lie about me sleeping with him.

I want to fuck Sweet Pea so bad. I love Sweet Pea and for some weird reason Jughead was the one who made me realise it.

Sweet Pea was always there for me when ever I needed him. I really love him.

Sweet Pea: mh? He asked into my hair.

I took my face out from his chest and looked up into his eyes.

Betty: fuck me. I said to him boldly. He gave me a confused look.
Sweet Pea: you're angry and you don't mean it. He said.
Betty: I'm angry, yes, but I mean it Sweet Pea. I said.
Sweet Pea: I'm not going to let you do something you'll regret in the morning. He said.
Betty: Sweet Pea the only thing I regret is getting with Jughead when I could have been with you. I said as I dragged my hand up and down his chest.
Sweet Pea: Betty you need to stop this. He warned me.

As each word left his mouth, it sounded like he was fighting himself. I knew the one thing that would make him fuck me so hard that I don't think I'd ever be able to properly walk again.

Betty: I swear if you don't fuck me right now I'll get back with Jughead.

That's what set him over the edge. He took my lips in his roughly as he picked me up. I wrapped my arms and legs around him.

Sweet Pea: I hate you. He growled as his lips moved to my neck.
Betty: I love you too.

I woke up the next morning with Sweet Pea's arm around my waist, keeping me close to him.

I moved my body a little bit when I felt a large amount of pain wash over me. Sweet Pea really did fuck me good.

Sweet Pea: morning. I heard him mumble.
Betty: morning. I said as I snuggled more into his side.
Sweet Pea: did you regret this? He asked.
Betty: not one bit. I said.
Betty: you? I asked.
Sweet Pea: Nope. He said.
Betty: so what does this make us now? I asked as I played with his hair.
Sweet Pea: well when you're ready, I'd love for you to be my girlfriend. He says softly.
Betty: I'd love to be your girlfriend. I said as I took his lips in a passionate kiss.

We disconnected our lips from one another and he sat up, pulling me into his lap. We were both still naked.

Betty: we've lived together for five years, how did neither one of us never think to fuck? I asked genuinely confused.
Sweet Pea: I honestly have no idea but I'm glad I get to have you as mine. He said as he began placing kisses all over me.

I squirmed all around in his grip.

Betty: I love you Pea. I said as I settled into his lap.
Sweet Pea: I've always loved you. He said while hugging me tight.

We soon got out of bed and I was only in one of his shirts that went up to my knees. Sweet Pea threw on a pair of pants and walked into the kitchen, making us some breakfast.

Sweet Pea: I love you so much bub. He said as he placed a kiss on my head.
Betty: I love you so much more baby. I said with the biggest smile

I hope you all enjoyed! ❤️

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