Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Sweet Pea: I really want to tell you all something. He said with a big smile.

Sweet Pea is my ex boyfriend.

We weren't working out that well and decided to go back to being friends. We're much better off.

Toni: what's up? She asked.
Sweet Pea: well, for the past week, I've been seeing a girl.

As he said that, I watched as his eyes flickered over to me. Seeing how I would react to the news.

I gave him a small smile which must have been enough for him as he moved his eyes from me to the others in the room.

Jughead: who is it? He asked.
Sweet Pea: it's Veronica. He blushed.
Fangs: nice, a cheerleader. He said.

Out of all the girls he could have had, he chose Veronica.

She's a rude, cold hearted bitch.

I've been at this school longer then my Serpent friends, they've never had bad encounters with her, but I have. 

She's more rude to people in private than in public.

She portrays herself as this innocent angel who deserves only the best.

She sickens me.

Veronica is the reason so many kids, even friends of mine have left the school.

Kids were terrified to come to school each day, knowing that Veronica and her minions would terrorise them.

Veronica and her group use to get in a lot of trouble, so they changed their methods of messing with their victims.

They do it all in private so that there's no way that they can prove that she's done anything wrong.

I stayed quiet as they all asked him questions and congratulated him.

I must admit, I was slightly jealous but I also knew that Veronica wasn't right for this mans sweet sole.

The bell soon rang and I headed to my locker then class.

I had this class with Jughead so I waited a minute or two until he arrived.

Jughead took a seat beside me and raised an eyebrow.

Betty: what? I questioned him.
Jughead: you're jealous. He said.
Betty: I am not. I said.
Jughead: then why have you been acting off? He asked me genuinely.
Betty: because I know what Veronica is like. She hurts people, she's the reason some of my friends left this school. She'll hurt Sweet Pea too. I told Jughead, hoping that he would believe me and not just tell me I was jealous.
Jughead: I believe you. He said, making me smile.
Betty: please don't tell the others, especially Sweet Pea. They'll just think I'm jealous. I said and he nodded his head.

The lesson soon ended and I was forced to deal with everyone.

Jughead and I walked together outside and took a seat on the benches.

All our friends soon arrived, excluding Sweet Pea.

I was talking to Jughead when out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Sweet Pea and Veronica approaching us.

They were holding hands when they eventually reached us and sat opposite Jughead and I.

Can I just magically disappear?

She's the reason my best friends Kevin and Ethel left.

I miss my beans.

I talk to them everyday but still, it's not enough.

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