Betty x Sweet Pea x Malachi

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This idea popped into my head about three days ago and my brain literally wanted this to happen. BLAME IT ON MY BRAIN NOT ME 😂😂

Betty POV:

I woke up in bed alone, without my two boyfriends arms wrapped around me. Yes, that's right. I have two boyfriends.

Sweet Pea and Malachi are the two guys who have stolen my heart.

The three of us live together in a large house although we all sleep in the same room, the same bed.

I let out a small groan as I unwrapped myself from my blanket. I rolled out of bed and walked into the bathroom so I could brush my hair.

I looked in the mirror and sighed. I look ugly.

Another fact about me, I was verbally abused as a child. I would always get called ugly, slut, whore, disgusting and so many other words that I've tried to blank out.

Sweet Pea and Malachi know all about my troubled past so they know how to help me through it.

I quickly brushed my hair and put it up in a messy bun.

I walked out of our room and into the kitchen. I saw Malachi placing a quick peck on Sweet Pea's lips as Sweet Pea was plating up our food.

Betty: morning. I said to my sweet boys. They turned around and smiled at me.
Malachi: Morning Princess. He said as he placed a kiss on my lips.
Sweet Pea: morning baby. He said as he also placed a kiss on my lips.

We soon all sat down and ate breakfast together. The boys were next to each other as I sat opposite them.

As I ate my food I remembered how I looked this morning.

I'm so ugly. How could they even like me?

Sweet Pea: Betty. I was brought out of my thoughts to Malachi waving his hand in front of my face and Sweet Pea's voice.
Malachi: Princess come here. He said softly as he tapped his lap.

I moved myself onto his lap and he wrapped his arms around me as Sweet Pea held my hands in his larger and warmer ones.

Sweet Pea: what's wrong my love? He asked. I shrugged.
Malachi: love. He said in a bit of a sterner voice.
Betty: I just looked in the mirror today and saw how ugly I am. I said.

I looked down although through the corner of my eyes I could see how the boys looks softened.

Sweet Pea detached one of his hands from mine as he raised it to my cheek. He gently lifted it up so I was looking into his eyes.

Sweet Pea: baby listen to us. You are the most gorgeous girl we've ever seen, you've stollen both of our hearts and we're really the lucky ones to have you in our lives. Everyday we get to wake up with you cuddling into us is another day we're grateful for. Your sweet smiles, cute giggles and that sexy body of yours, drive us crazy. You're anything but ugly. He said as he placed a kiss on my forehead.
Malachi: he's right, you're the most amazing thing in our lives. We love you. He said as he kissed the back of my neck. A small smile graced my lips.
Malachi: see, that's the beautiful smile we love. He said making me giggle.

As soon as I started giggling the guys began placing kisses all over my face and neck.

I love them so much.

They finally stopped kissing me and let me calm down.

I held one of the guys hands in each of my own and looked them in the eyes.

Betty: I love you both so much. I said as I kissed Sweet Pea's cheek then Malachi's. They both smiled.

We all ate the rest of our breakfast as the boys kept smothering me with their love and affection. I'm so lucky to have the two sweetest guys in the world as mine.

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