Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sorry I haven't updated in forever, but at least it's long.

Betty POV:

Betty: bye dad. I smiled as I looked at him through the metal bars of the prison.
Hal: bye Betty. He smiled as he took a seat on his bed.

My dad has done some pretty horrible things, stuff I never thought I'd be able to forgive. But if I was asked to describe my father, I'd say he is the most loving and supportive father.

When I was five, I told him I wanted to be a dancer. Mum said the idea was ludicrous, but dad smiled and booked me a lesson.

He took me to all my dance practices and watched me the whole time. I knew it definitely wasn't his cup of tea but he stayed for me.

I remember all the times he stuck up for me against Mum. She was always controlling and mean. She might be still to this day.

When dad was taken away and locked up in prison, she left.

She had no reason to stay anymore. She didn't care enough about me anyway.

I signed myself out of the prison, got patted down and headed to my car.

Earlier in the day, Sweet Pea had told me that he wanted to speak to me after my visit with dad. I wonder why?

It sounded serious, I hope everything between us is okay.

I drove down to his trailer and knocked on his door.

Within a few seconds he opened the door with a soft smile.

Betty: hey baby. I said with a smile as I kissed his cheek.
Sweet Pea: hey love, come in. He said as he stepped to the side and let me in.

I walked inside and took a seat on his couch. He sat next to me and looked at me with a sorry and soft look.

Betty: what did you want to speak about? I asked him.

He let out a small sigh as he moved his hands, taking mine in his.

Sweet Pea: Betty I love you more than anything but I'm worried about you. He started. I gave him a confused look.
Betty: why? I'm fine. I said with a soft smile.
Sweet Pea: I wish you were, but as long as you're seeing your dad, I don't think you truly are. He said and the smile dropped from my face.

I removed my hands from his, wanting some distance between us.

Betty: I know my dad has done some horrible things, but he is still my father. I said back.
Sweet Pea: How can you forget everything he's done to you? Everyone he's hurt. Betty I'm worried about you and I suggest you don't see your father anymore. He said. I looked at him with anger and stood up.

Betty: and what would you do if I don't stop seeing him Sweet Pea? Would you break up with me? I asked while raising an eyebrow.
Sweet Pea: yes I would. He said with a sigh, he couldn't even look at me.
Betty: well I guess we're over. I said as I stormed out of his trailer.

As I was about to get into my car, I felt him grip onto my arm.

Sweet Pea: please Betty, you're only hurting yourself. He said desperately. I let out a laugh and shook my head.
Betty: you're hurting me, not my father. I said as I pushed him off of me.

I got into my car and drove home, where I live alone.

I walked inside and slammed the door closed.

I rested my back against the door as I began crying. I covered my hand over my mouth as I slid down the door.

I hadn't cried this much since I was sitting in court and my dads verdict was read out; life in prison.

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