Betty × Fp Part 1

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Betty POV:

I was laying in my room, engrossed by a story I was reading. A story about how a young couple found happiness within their themselves, then each other.

My eyes were drawn away from the delicate words on my page to the light flash on my phone. I advert my eyes to my phone that was laying beside me. I look at the notification, it was from Jughead. He says he wanted to meet me as his house, it's urgent. I wonder what could be going on.

I quickly change into a crop top and a pair of sweat pants. I brush my hair and spray on some of my perfume, apple and strawberries. I slip into my black wedge boots.

Down the creaky stairs, I arrive at the door and began my short walk to the Jones residence. My walk didn't encounter to many people, a couple drunks, a few old couples who looked hopelessly in love and a few rough teens play fighting.

I'm 27 years old and Jughead is 28. We've been together for the past 4 years. He's such a wonderful guy, he really cares about me. His father has also been very excepting of me. Fp or Mr. Jones as I like to call him to annoy him.

Fp is a wonderful and sweet hearted man. When ever I'm around he makes me comfortable and makes sure that I'm being looked after. He owns a mechanic shop and I often help him out. I love getting my hands dirty, and being around Fp is fun.

Sometimes I feel Fp likes me more than Jughead.

Jughead and I use to be all over each other, but recently he's been different, I can't really describe it but something is off. I find myself wanting to spend more time with Fp than Jughead.

There's something up with Fp recently as well. He's been getting closer to me, I mean physically. Like when we work on a bike together he'll brush his hands over me. It's nothing that makes me uncomfortable though, In fact I kinda like it. Jughead never touches me like that anymore.

I also notice the little looks he gives me. The way he scans my body and thinks I don't notice, or even the way he gives me heart eyes and forms a little blush when I turn to face him. It's cute.

Obviously I'm going to be mature about this situation. I pretend not to notice him and make sure not to fuel the fire inside of him. I'm 100% committed to Jughead and I would never do anything to hurt him.

Yes, Fp is a handsome looking man and he is pretty hot for a 38 year old but I have high morals. To cheat on a person is something I would never be able to physically do. The act is horrible.

I arrive at their house and knock on their door. The house is small but cosy, spending time here is one of my highlights, also working at the shop has become like my second home. The smell of grease has become something I smell everyday, I love it.

Jughead opens it and invites me in. Something is definitely off, he always greets me with either a kiss or hug, it was nothing today.

I take a seat but he remains standing.

Betty: what's up Jug? Are you okay? I ask him.
Jughead: Betty, I need to tell you something. I-I cheated on you... he says in barley a whisper.

I can't believe this. Everything I knew about this man was a lie. All the amazing things I was saying about him, I was so, so wrong. I didn't think we'd last for forever but I never thought he'd cheat on me. I stand up and look at him. He disgusts me.

Betty: who, who with? I say in a loud tone. He looks down and sighs.
Jughead: Toni. He says. I laugh.

There was something always off about the pair of them. The small touches, the looks. I always played it off but there becomes a time were it's kinda obvious. Jughead assured me nothing was going on between them and I stupidly believed him.

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