Betty x Sweet Pea

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Sweet Pea POV:

February 14th, is the date that my clock told me. Valentine's Day.

I got out of bed and changed into a fresh pair of clothes.

This year is one of the first years I actually have a valentine, her name is Kayley.

We've been dating for the past 4 months and things have been going great, up until recently. I have a feeling she's cheating on me. One day when she was at home I called her and heard a males voice in the background. It definitely wasn't her tv.

I walked into the kitchen and made myself some breakfast and some for my roommate who was definitely going to be sleeping in today since she has a afternoon shift all this week.

My roommate has been my best friend since high school. As soon as we meet we instantly formed a strong friendship. Betty is one of the most funniest, caring and adorable people. I'm so glad we're best friends.

She's 22 and I'm 23.

I quickly ate my breakfast and put some glad wrap over her food.

I soon had to head to work so I picked up everything I needed and got into my car. Since it was Valentine's Day I only had to work four hours.

I arrived at worked and quickly completed my four hours. I wanted to go home and spend my time with Betty, but I also need to see Kayley, I need to see if she's cheating on me.

I got into my car and headed to her apartment. I knocked on her door and I could hear her whisper yelling at someone to hide. My suspicions were confirmed and I was going to break up with her.

She opened the door. Her clothes were messy and her hair looked wild, they probably just had sex.

Sweet Pea: we're over. I said sternly and walked off.

My feelings for her were completely gone and I began to think about Betty. There's no denying how gorgeous she is. She also has a talented mind and beautiful heart. I think I might have feelings for.

As I drove home I remembered there is a small flower shop near our apartment.

I pulled up and bought a pair of pink lilies that I remembered her saying she liked. I payed for them and headed home.

It was about 2 pm when I arrived home

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It was about 2 pm when I arrived home. I walked inside and saw Betty sitting at the kitchen table, eating the waffles I had made her.

Sweet Pea: did you only just wake up? I asked as I held the flowers behind my back.
Betty: don't judge me. She says with her mouth full of food. I let out a chuckle.
Sweet Pea: what about work? I asked her. She should have started half an hour ago.
Betty: well boss said that anyone that had a boyfriend or girlfriend could have the day of. She says with a shrug.
Sweet Pea: Betts I don't know if you've realised, you don't have that. I say making us both laugh.
Betty: what they don't know can't hurt them, and I get a day off with pay. What's better then that? She asked while putting her plate and fork into the sink.

Sweet Pea: well anyway I have something for you. I say with a smile as I pull the flowers out from behind my back.

She saw them and her jaw dropped, she made those puppy eyes she always does when she's really happy.

Betty: Pea, they're so beautiful. She says while standing on her tippy toes to place a kiss on my cheek.

I looked down at her as she admitted the flowers in her hands. She's so beautiful, I have no idea how she isn't taken.

Sweet Pea: I'm glad you like them. I say with a smile as she places them in a vase filled with water.

Betty: so what are you doing here with me? What's going on with you and Kayley? She asked with a smile.
Sweet Pea: we broke up. I say with a shrug. She softened.
Betty: Pea I'm so sorry. She says.
Sweet Pea: it's fine, don't worry about it. I say.

As the night went on we ordered in some pizza and we were sitting on the couch. She was cuddling into my side like she did most nights.

My arm was wrapped around her and I couldn't help but admire her. She was in one of my jumpers that went to her knees. I knew she didn't have any shorts under the jumper and the thought of having her as mine made a smirk form on my lips.

Betty: what? She giggled as she caught me staring at her.
Sweet Pea: you're just really beautiful Betts. I said while moving a piece of her golden locks behind her ear. She blushed and looked into my eyes.

I slowly leaned in and so did she. Our lips met in a quick but hot kiss. Her lips were softer then I could have imagined.

I picked her up and pulled her into my lap. She looked at me and looked a little scared. I held her hand in mine, reassuring her that everything is fine.

Sweet Pea: Betts I really like you. I said to her. She smiled a small smile.
Betty: I like you too. She says shyly.

I've never seen this side of her. Just another reason why I want her.

I held her tight in my arms. I'm definitely going to love having her in my arms.

Sweet Pea: would you be my girlfriend? I asked and she instantly nodded her head.
Sweet Pea: you're so cute bub. I say making her blush. I chuckle and placed a kiss on her forehead.

I can't believe it. Me and Betty. If you asked me five months ago I would have laughed and said she was my best friend. Now she's my best friend and girlfriend.

Sweet Pea: how long have you liked me? I asked curiously.
Betty: when you and Kayley started dating. She said and looked away from me.

I couldn't bare seeing her sad green eyes. It's always hurt me when she's upset.

Sweet Pea: I'm sorry beautiful. I said while turning her face so she was facing me again. She remained silent.
Sweet Pea: I love you. I said and placed a kiss on her forehead.

It felt so right.

Betty: I love you too. She said as she rested her head on my shoulder.

I got the girl.

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