Betty × Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was sitting in my apartment, alone as tears streamed from my eyes and down my cheeks.

Sobs of sadness and anger were only getting heavier and heavier. My head layed on my pillow as I hugged my blanket as tight as I could.

The guy I said I loved, the guy I loved with all my heart. He accused me of cheating.

Sweet Pea has always been the jealous and possessive type but I never thought he'd think I'd cheat on him.

We were at the shops one day when I told him to get something from another aisle since I forgot to get it. He went and got it and I continued walking.

As I walked there was some little girl who approached me and started saying hi. Her father quickly came around and picked her up.

"I am so sorry about that" He says. I give him a smile.

Betty: don't worry about it, she's adorable. I say as I wave at the young girl. She giggles.

"Thank you, I'll let you be one your way now" He says with a smile as he walks off with his smiling daughter.

Sweet Pea must have seen that because when he came back I could tell that he wasn't himself.

When we went back to his apartment I was putting the groceries away.

I spent a lot of time as his apartment so it only felt fair that I help out.

Sweet Pea began yelling at me and accusing me of cheating, saying that he couldn't trust me and that I was pathetic.

Hearing words like that from the person you love, they fucking hurt.

I begged him, telling him that he's the only person I love, the only person I'll ever love. He yelled at me and spat out his words like venom.

I walked out of his apartment and let the tears roll down my face. And that's how I'm here now.

It's been a week but the pain of the break up is still strong.

I was cuddled into my blanket when I heard footsteps in the kitchen. Well fuck.

I had no where to hide, I just went under the blankets and hoped my death would be fast.

Jughead: Betty what are you doing? He asked.

I pop my head out from under the blankets and saw Jughead and Joaquin, my best friends.

Betty: I thought you were murders. I say and they both laugh.
Joaquin: well we're not murders and we're going out. He says with a smile.
Betty: no, leave me alone. I say with a groan.
Joaquin: come on Betty. You've been like this for the past week. You need to go out, have fun. He says while ripping the blankets off me.
Betty: Juggie help. I whine but he laughs at me.
Jughead: Nope I agree, now get up and have a shower. I let out another big groan so they know that I wasn't happy about this.

Betty: I need to find myself new best friends. I mutter as I stomp into my bathroom. I heard them let out a laugh.

I hoped into my shower and washed my hair. I shaved and wash my body. I felt disgusting after not washing my body for a week, but I was in no mood to leave my bed unless it was absolutely necessary.

I stepped out of the shower and dried my hair and body. I put on my bra and panties and walked out.

Joaquin is gay so he doesn't care and Jughead has known me since before we knew what a bra was.

Betty: where are going so I can figure out what to wear? I say.
Joaquin: we'll pick your clothes and we're going to the Wyrm. He says.
Jughead: we as in he will. He says with a smirk, making me laugh.

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