Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I sat in the student lounge with my best friends Reggie and Veronica, and my boyfriend Archie.

I sat in his lap as his arms wrapped tightly around me.

Veronica: have you heard that there's some gang coming to the school tomorrow?
Betty: a gang? I think that's just a rumour V. I giggled.
Reggie: no I've heard Mr. Honey talking about a gang, apparently they're a couple towns away.
Betty: why are they coming here? I asked. They both shrugged their heads.
Archie: they're probably going to trash our school. He said as he rolled his eyes.
Betty: you don't know that baby, they're probably really nice people. I said.
Archie: people in gangs aren't nice people. He said as the final bell for the day rung.

I let out a sigh as Archie put me down and walked off. He didn't bother to wait for me or even say goodbye.

I walked to my locker, exited to meet these new people tomorrow.

I stood at my locker as I pulled out my laptop and books for my first period class.

Archie: hey. He said as he wrapped his arms around my waist and placed a kiss against my lips.
Betty: hey. I said as I looked to the new kids walking in through the corridor.

There seemed to be about a hundred of them.

I looked to the man leading the gang and I felt my heart stop.

Sweet Pea Connor.

Him and I have history, you could say.

Before Reggie, Archie and Veronica ever moved to Riverdale, I was best friends with Sweet Pea.

Ever since we were kids we'd spend every waking second together.

I remember it was my 11th birthday and I was spending it with Sweet Pea by Sweet Water river.

He told me that I was beautiful as he pushed some of my hair behind my ear.

He leaned in and placed a soft kiss against my lips.

The next day I went to his house and he was gone. His dad was gone and so was all their stuff.

He left without telling me a goodbye.

I hated him.

Sweet Pea and I eyes met. He gave me a smirk as he scanned my body up and down. I could see the obvious annoyance on his face when he saw Archie's arm wrapped around me.

Betty: lets go to class. I hummed to Archie as I placed a kiss against his cheek.

Out of the corner of my eyes I could see Sweet Pea rolling his eyes.

Archie kept his hand wrapped around me as we walked to English together.

We took a seat at the back of the class next to each other as we waited for Reggie and Veronica to arrive.

They soon arrived and we all began talking as we waited for our teacher to arrive.

He soon arrived, following in behind him was a group of Serpents.

I should have guessed, Sweet Pea amongst many others walked in.

Mr. Walker: good morning class. Due to the new students arriving I believe it is needed that we change up the setting plan. He said.

He began calling out names as he pointed to where they had to sit.

Reggie was next to Fangs. Jughead next to Archie. Veronica next to Toni. And you would never guess who I was next to.

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