Betty × Sweet Pea Part 2

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A lot of cuteness, just watch out for the end. It will rip apart your heart.

Sweet Pea POV:

Today is going to be the most amazing day, today is the day I have my date with Betty.

It's going to be at my house and I'm going to make dinner for us. I really want us to work out. She seems amazing and I know she's great around kids which is one less thing I need to worry about.

I was woken up by Lucas running into my room and jumping onto my bed, then jumping on me and yelling for me to wake up.

I sat up and began tickling his stomach, making him erupt into laughter. He was kicking and wiggling all over the bed.

I soon stopped and he jumped into my lap.

Sweet Pea: good morning my little man, how did you sleep? I asked as he settled down.
Lucas: good. He says with a smile.
Sweet Pea: are you hungry? I asked. He nodded his head excitedly.

I got up out of bed and walked into the kitchen with Lucas. He jumped up onto a chair and waited impatiently.

Sweet Pea: cereal or toast? I asked him.
Lucas: cereal. He says excitedly.
Sweet Pea: coco pops or rice rice krispies? I asked him.
Lucas: Coco pops. He says. I nod my head.

I pull out the cereal from the cupboard and pour some into a bowl. I then take the milk from out of the fridge and pour some into the bowl, coating the cereal and making the milk turn into chocolate milk.

As he ate breakfast I quickly made myself some toast and ate that as I got ready for work. I changed into my work clothes. Once I had finished, Lucas had finished his breakfast so I got him ready for kindergarten. I quickly got him changed and we headed to the car.

I buckled him in and we made our way there. As we arrived I helped him out of the car and signed him in.

As we walked into his room, he saw one of his friends and immediately ran off. I let out a chuckle. I looked around the room and saw Betty talking to some other parents. They must be wondering about her as I was yesterday.

She saw me staring at her and gave me a small smirk and a wink. I smirk back and head off.

I get back into my car and drove to work. After rush hour traffic I finally arrived at work and headed up to my office. I walked in and I saw one of my closest friends approaching me. He has a son named Hunter that also goes to the same kindergarten as Lucas.

Nate: hey dude. Have you seen that they finally replaced that old hag of a lady? She already seems so much better. He says enthusiastically.
Sweet Pea: yeah, she's definitely a lot better. Lucas loves her. I say.
Nate: so does Hunter. I think she's the exact influence we need on the kids. I nod my head agreeingly.

He's exactly right. I could tell from the few seconds I saw her interact with my son, she has a real passion for this job and she's an amazing person for the kids to look up to.

I hope she'll be mine. She already makes my small family so happy.

I started work and couldn't get my mind off our date tonight. She said she'll come over after she's finished up at the Kindergarten which should be at about 5:30 pm. So basically half an hour after I've picked Lucas up.

The day dragged on longer then it ever has before. As soon as the clock hit 4:30 pm I practically jumped up from my chair and ran out to my car. No one has ever made me feel like this before.

I arrived at the kindergarten and signed Lucas out. I walked to the play room and saw that the kids weren't there, they were actually outside, either running around, playing in the sandpit or on the swings.

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