Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

For the past two days I've been at home, worrying over the fact that I'm 18 and 6 weeks pregnant.

The baby belongs to my boyfriend Sweet Pea.

I love him so much I don't know how he'll feel about a child.

We're both so young and never planned on having children at this age.

I've been stressing myself out. I know it's bad for the baby but I can't stop.

I let out a sigh and decided to go to bed.

I put in my earphones and played some calming music.

It took me a while to go to sleep but I finally did.

I was awoken to the sound of my phone buzzing.

I let out a sigh. This was the first time in two days that I had gotten some decent sleep.

I looked at my phone and saw that there was a message from Jellybean, Sweet Pea's sister.

(Jellybean's message to Betty)

Come to my house now!

(End of message)

My heart began racing at the thought of one of them being hurt.

I quickly rushed out of bed and into my car.

I soon arrived at their house and rushed through the door.

I walked in on Fp shaking his head as Jellybean and Sweet Pea were yelling at each other.

Betty: what's the emergency? I quickly rushed out.
Jellybean: Asshole over there stole my food that I was saving. She yelled.
Sweet Pea: oh boo hoo, I didn't mean it. He said as he rolled his eyes.
Jellybean: yes you did, you always- She started until I interrupted her.

Betty: please do not tell me you told me to come over because of this. I yelled at them angrily. They all looked to me in shock.

I don't have time for their silly arguments. I have real problems to deal with, not wasting my time on their childish problems.

Betty: don't tell me to come over again unless it's an actual emergency. I'm going home. I said as I stormed out of their house.

I walked to my car and just before I got in, I felt someone's arms wrap around me, Sweet Pea.

Sweet Pea: baby what's wrong? He quickly asked as he held me tight. I rested my head on his shoulder and took a deep breath in.
Betty: it's nothing, I just want to go home. I said.
Sweet Pea: I'd prefer if you stay here tonight, just so I know you're safe. He said.

I saw where he was coming from and nodded my head.

I walked back into his house and saw no sign of Fp or Jellybean.

As I walked up to his room, I passed Jellybeans.

Her door was closed but I needed to apologise to her.

Betty: I'll meet you in your room, I need to apologise. I said and he nodded his head.

He kissed my cheek and walked to his room.

I knocked on her door and let myself in. I saw her sitting on her bed, wiping away a tear.

I felt tears well up in my eyes. How could I make this sweet girl cry?

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