Betty x Malachi

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Jughead, Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea are Ghoulies.

Betty POV:

I was standing by my locker when I saw all the South Siders enter in groups.

Yesterday South Side High closed down and they all moved here.

I watched all of them, especially the Ghoulies walk in like they own the place.

Like usual, the bell rang so I quickly got my stuff and rushed off to class. I took a seat at the back by myself and waited for the teacher to arrive.

I'm not what you would call popular, in fact I'm the complete opposite. People don't really like me which sucks, but I've learned to deal with it, kinda.

The teacher soon arrived and thankfully the lesson began.

I'm use to being lonely but sometimes it really hurts.

I listened to the teachers tired voice, when someone walks into class 15 minutes late.

Teacher: your name is? He asked the boy with curly hair.
Malachi: the one and only Malachi. He said proudly.
Teacher: well you'll be getting the one and only detention with me if you're late again. Go take a seat. He said, making some of the kids snicker.

Malachi sent them all death glares and they immediately stopped. 

Malachi scanned the room for a seat and he decided on next to me. He walked over to me with a smirk. I let out an internal sigh.

Malachi: hello gorgeous. He said. My eyes remained at the front, not daring to look back at him.
Malachi: Princess don't ignore me. I still looked at the board.
Malachi: you wound me. He said as he gave up for the rest of the lesson.

Today was worse then usual but it was finally lunch. I sat at my usual lunch table alone, that's until Malachi and his gang decided to join me.

I was about to get up and leave when Malachi gently gripped onto my arm.

Malachi: don't leave gorgeous. He said.
Betty: why are you being so flirty? I asked.

Those were the first words to have left my mouth all day. I don't talk much.

Malachi: obviously because I think you're gorgeous and want you to be my girlfriend. He said as if it was the most obvious thing.
Betty: I really doubt it. I said as I got up and walked off.

I walked to the blue and gold, seemingly having escaped Malachi.

Malachi: can you please just give me a chance?

How the hell did he find me?

Betty: look Malachi, I'm not like you. I'm not popular, I don't have friends and I'm smart. I said.
Malachi: calling me dumb? He asked while raising an eyebrow.
Betty: judging by how late you were to class today, yes. He smirked.
Betty: you don't even know my name. I said.
Malachi: Elizabeth Cooper. He immediately answered. My jaw dropped and he let out a chuckle.
Betty: how do you know that? I asked him in shock.
Malachi: hacked the school's system. He said with a shrug.
Betty: just to find out my name? I asked.
Malachi: well I wanted to know more about you, so yeah. He said as if that was normal.
Malachi: Betty Cooper, let me take you out on a date tonight. He said. I gave him a hesitant look.
Malachi: come on Betty, I promise I'll be a gentleman. He said with a chuckle. 
Betty: okay. I said.
Malachi: good, now come back to our lunch table. He said as he held out his hand for me to take.

I took his hand and he lead me to his group of Ghoulies.

Malachi: listen up Ghoulies. He called out and they all stopped what they were doing. I gave him a confused look as his hand held mine tighter.
Malachi: look at her in the wrong way and I'll kill you. Look at her like you love her, I'll kill you. If you don't protect her, I'll kill you. Get the point? He said and they all nodded their heads.

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