Betty x Fp // Step Dad and daughter relationship ( friendship )

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I hope you enjoy. I really wished Betty and Fp had a good relationship on the show!


I had just finished up at the Wyrm and I was getting ready to head home to see my step daughter, Betty.

When Betty was six years old I met her amazing mother. As soon as I saw Alice I was star struck by her beauty and intelligence.

We had gone on a few dates before she decided to introduce me to her two kids. Betty and Chic. Chic was twelve at the time.

I remember the day I first met the kids. Betty and Chic were playing in the lounge. Chic had stollen one of the dolls she was playing with and put it on a shelf she couldn't reach. She was trying to reach it but had no chance.

I picked it up for her and kneeled down in front of her.

Fp: here you go. I said with a smile.
Betty: thank you. She said before she was off running after her brother.

I began staying over at Alices more often, from there on Betty and I only continued to get closer. She would always ask that I put her to bed and play dolls with her. I was surprised how well she was reacting to having me over, but definitely happy.

I always wanted a daughter. I always wanted to have a daughter who would look up to me and talk to me when she was feeling down. I wanted a daughter so I could protect her and treat her like the princess she truly was. I couldn't wait to scare off the boys who tried to date my daughter because they weren't worth her time. I never got that from my last relationship so having Betty take such a liking to me really made me feel like I was her dad.

The first time she called me dad felt like yesterday.

She had been insisting that I teach her how to ride her bike without training wheels.

One day I took off her training wheels and began teaching her how to ride her bike without them.

She was so scared but I told her I'd be there.

She got on her bike and began slowly peddling. I held onto the back for support. I soon let go.

She was doing great as she went around the court we lived in.

She was coming back to me when she ran over a small tree branch that completely threw off her balance. She fell off her bike and I ran up to her.

Tears were escaping her eyes. I picked her up and held her in my arms.

Betty: it hurts daddy. She cried into my neck. She had grazed her knee.

I had to hide the smile on my face. She called me daddy.

I love her like she's my own child.

I have a son named Jughead. Jughead, Betty and Chic all got along better then Alice and I had both hoped. We were really happy that everything was going well.

Now I can't say that everything is so good.

A couple months ago Alice's mum passed away due to old age. It completely destroyed her.

She found this cult like farm and joined them. Everything was already weird but then Alice started to change. She started yelling at Betty, Jughead and I since we didn't want to join.

A month later, the unbelievable happened, Jughead decided to join her.

Betty and I were in complete and utter shock. We both tried to convince them that what they're doing is a mistake and that they need to leave that brain washing farm. They didn't believe us and their leader or whoever, told them that they should remove people like us from their lives. Alice and Jughead listened and moved into a spare room at the farm.

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