Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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Because I love doing teacher x student so much (slightly concerning?), I'm doing it again.

Betty POV:

He wrapped his arms around my waist as we watched a movie at my house.

I sat comfortably in his lap as I rested my head on his shoulder. Our hands were connected over my waist as I more enjoyed the moment, rather than the movie.

I loved spending time with him, although it's complicated.

I'm his teacher and he's my student.

I know it's so inappropriate and honestly really stupid and dumb on my behalf, but I do like him. I love him.

We've been together for about 5 months so far. It's been hard and sometimes it's very overwhelming for us both, but we're happy together.

I noticed that the movie had ended and I knew it would be late by now too.

Sweet Pea usually stays at his trailer during the week and on weekends he'll stay at my house.

It's easier for us both.

Betty: I don't want you to leave. I said as I kissed his cheek.
Sweet Pea: neither do I. He said softly.

He stayed over a little longer as we talked and cuddled.

We were in the middle of a conversation when I heard my phone go off.

I picked it up off the coffee table and saw that it was my roster for tomorrow, Monday.

I saw that I had my usual classes and I was subbing in for someone tomorrow.

It was a sport class, thankfully there are two classes that run at the same time and the other teacher was away. The person filling in was Toni.

Toni and I both grew up in New York. We've been best friends since we were four.

In New York, we were apart of a gang known as the Serpents. We still are apart of them, just less involved.

My brother Jughead is the king, I'm still extremely close with him although he lives in another state.

When I first came to Riverdale with Toni, it was really hard for me to adjust to living on my own and especially without my brother.

Now my life is falling into place.

Sweet Pea: what's that? He asked softly.
Betty: just my roster for this week. I have to teach a sports class tomorrow. I said with disgust.

I can't think of anything worse, smelly and sweaty kids.

Sweet Pea: period 3 and 4? He asked and I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: that's my class. He said with a smile.
Betty: maybe it won't be that terrible. I smirked.
Sweet Pea: I promise to take my shirt off. He winked making me laugh.

We soon wrapped up our conversation as it was pretty late.

I walked him outside to his bike, a blanket wrapped around my shoulders.

Betty: be safe and text me when you get home okay? I asked as he embraced me in a hug.
Sweet Pea: of course. I love you baby. He said as he kissed my head.
Betty: I love you too handsome. I smiled at him.

He put on his helmet and before I knew it, he was a distant sight.

I walked back inside and turned off the lounge lights as I walked up to my room.

I changed into an over sized shirt Sweet Pea had once left here and crawled into bed.

I cuddled up in my sheets as I waited for Sweet Pea to text me that he was safe.

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