Betty x Jughead

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I haven't done Bughead in litreally forever.
Requested by: AllaLexie bookishwriter43 Bughead_Hessa

Betty POV:

It was the end of the school day and I was at my locker, putting all my homework into my bag. I soon zipped up my bag and heard the sound of two people calling my name.

I turned around and saw Sweet Pea and Fangs approaching me.

Betty: hey. I said to the two boys. They greeted me with a smile.
Sweet Pea: we kinda need a favour. He said. I smirked.
Betty: if you need my help burying a body, a, I'm not that strong and b, I just had my nails done. I said making us all laugh.
Fangs: trust me, this favour is harder then hiding a body. I raised an eyebrow.
Betty: okay so what's going on? I asked them.
Sweet Pea: okay so we have a math test tomorrow and we're kinda not doing well. And the teacher said if we fail this test we're going to stay down. He said.
Betty: so you want me to tutor you guys? I asked and they nodded their heads.
Betty: of course. I said making them smile with relief.
Betty: but I need to borrow one of your phones to message Jughead. I said.
Fangs: why? He asked.
Betty: my phone is playing up and I need to tell Jughead that I'm canceling on our date tonight. I said.
Fangs: Betts, if you have other plans we can YouTube how do to trigonometry. I smiled softly.
Betty: it's fine honestly, it'll give Jughead a taste of his own medicine for ditching our last four dates. I said with a half smile.
Sweet Pea: I'm sorry. He said genuinely.
Betty: it's okay. Anyway, lets go to the Wyrm and we can study there.

They got on their bikes and I got in my car.

We soon arrived at the Wyrm and I quickly used Sweet Pea's phone to tell Jughead that I couldn't make it.

I gave Sweet Pea back his phone and I began helping the boys with their math work.

I began explaining the steps to them and they seemed to actually understand it.

Betty: see, you guys know how to do it but you don't pay attention. I said as we continued on.

We were flying past the questions, they were even doing it without any help by this point.

We were about to take a break when Jughead stormed into the bar and walked up to me.

Jughead: what the hell Betty! This past month you've been up my ass about missing our dates and then you ditch ours to spend it with them? Seriously? He yelled angrily at me.
Betty: okay firstly I ditched our date for a good reason and I actually sent you a message letting you know. Not like you, who just lets me sit and wait for hours. I'm helping them out, unlike you, god knows what you're doing when we're supposed to be on a date. I yelled back at him.
Jughead: oh and how do I know you're not doing shit behind my back with them? He said as he gestured to Fangs and Sweet Pea. I rolled my eyes.
Betty: maybe if you opened your eyes and looked at their math texts books, you'd answer that question.
Sweet Pea: dude back off. He yelled at Jughead.

I stood up and walked out of the bar, not wanting to deal with him anymore.

For the past month or so our relationship has been really rocky. He's been spending all his time with the Serpents, not me, although I'm his Serpent Queen.

He said he'd let me into his world but he hasn't. I'm beginning to think he doesn't want me anymore.

He'd probably prefer someone like Toni anyway. She's never taken a liking to me, probably because she wants to be queen, or his queen in general. She tries her best to spend every moment she can with him, although Jughead is absolutely oblivious to everything she tries on him.

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