Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was getting ready to finish my shift as the young girls all began to whine.

Angel: do you have to go Betty? She asked with a pout.

I work in a hospital with young girls, from the ages of 10-16 years old.

I work with the kids who can't go home due to their illness. My job is to make their time in hospital somewhat enjoyable, to make them forget that they're here.

It's also to provide a sense of comfort and a place where they can hangout with other girls who are in similar situations as them. Although our chats usually end up talking about me and my beautiful boyfriend Sweet Pea.

Chloe: yeah Betty, can't you stay a little longer? She asked.
Betty: come on girls, you know it's the end of my shift, but Caleb is coming. I said.
Shay: why can't you both stay, it would be the best. She said and everyone nodded their heads in agreement.

Vania: come on girls, we all know she wants to go home to her boyfriend. She said making all the girls giggle and myself blush.
Betty: be quiet you trouble maker. I said making us both laugh.
Vania: I mean am I wrong? She asked with a grin as all the girls began to squeal.

Caleb walked in-in the middle of all the girls squealing and looked in shock.

Caleb: please don't tell me you're screaming like the last time, because there was a small spider in the room. He said with a smirk.

Caleb is one of my best friends here and he's absolutely hilarious. He's gay and has the most sweetest boyfriend Jay, the girls also love to talk about his love life too.

Betty: firstly that spider was big and we were talking about Sweet Pea. I said with a smirk. He grinned.

Jessica: Caleb, have you ever met Sweet Pea? She asked.
Caleb: yeah, a few times. He said honestly.
Shay: what's he like? She asked excitedly.
Caleb: well he's muscular, definitely hot. He said making me and the rest of the girls laugh.
Angel: do they have cute nicknames for each other? She asked.
Caleb: absolutely. He said.
Betty: okay enough about my love life, my boyfriend has just finished work and I plan on spending my evening with him. Go harass Caleb about Jay now. I said as I left all of them squealing.

I signed myself out and said goodbye to the people at the front desk.

I got into my car and headed to our house that we bought about 7 months ago.

I arrived home and saw that his car was already there. We both finish work at the same time but his work is a bit closer then mine.

I took out my keys and unlocked the front door.

I walked into the house and saw that he had put a few lights on. I walked up to our room where I saw him getting changed into some casual clothes.

Sweet Pea is a mechanic.

Sweet Pea: hey bub. He said with a smile as he saw me looking at him from the door frame.
Betty: hey baby. I said with a smile as I walked up to him and placed a kiss on his lips.
Sweet Pea: how was your day? He asked as he picked up a shirt and placed it over his head.
Betty: yeah it was pretty good. I said as I also began to get changed.
Betty: how was your day? I asked as I picked out a black tank top, a pair of sweatpants and one of Sweet Pea's flannels.
Sweet Pea: it was good but tiring. He said as we both walked downstairs together.

We were both starving by this point and neither of us were in the mood to cook.

Betty: Pops? I asked with a smirk.
Sweet Pea: I couldn't think of anything better. He said with a grin.

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