Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

Betty: are you fucking serious? I yelled angrily as I slammed the newspaper in front of my now ex fiancé.

Jamie looked over the article that I pointed out to him and his eyes widened in shock.

Jamie: Betty. He whispered.

I'm Betty Jones, a well known model.

I live in New York now, where I met my boyfriend Jamie. He was kind and sweet, clearly not so much anymore.

Betty: I want you out of my house by the end of the day. I yelled at him as I threw the ring at him.

He didn't even put up a fight. He simply nodded his head and walked past me, packing all his things.

I ran to the back of the house and hid in my personal gym.

I sat on the floor with my back resting against the wall. My head rested in my knees as I began to sob.

Why would he do this to me? Our wedding was in a week.

My violent cries were interrupted by my personal trainer.

He's worked for me for the past 2 years, we've became great friends.

Patrick: hey, what's wrong? He asked as he ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me.
Betty: Jamie. I said as I sobbed into his shoulder.
Patrick: what did he do? He asked softly as he rubbed my back.
Betty: he ch-cheated on me. I managed out.
Patrick: oh Betts. He said as he held me tight and continued to whisper sweet things to me.

I stayed in his arms for the next twenty minutes.

Betty: I'm going to go home for a while. I wanna be with family right now. I said as I referred to my home in Riverdale.
Patrick: of course. He said softly.

I got up and headed to my room. I began packing a suitcase with the first clothes I saw.

Jamie: Betty. He said as he leaned against my door frame.
Betty: leave. I said as my voice cracked.
Jamie: I'm sorry. He said. I turned to face him as I let more tears run down my face.
Betty: how long Jamie? How long have you been cheating on me? I asked.
Jamie: 3 months. He said only making me cry even more.

I quickly zipped up my bag and began walking out.

Jamie: Betty I'm sorry. He yelled out.
Betty: I never want to see you again. I said sternly as I walked out the door.

I went to the airport and got on my private jet.

I curled up into my seat like a ball and put my head phones in. I put on some music that is supposed to help you relax.

It was actually working and I felt as my breathing slowed to a normal pace and my eyes began to close.

I never realised how tired crying can make you.

I soon arrived in Riverdale and I headed to the Wyrm.

My dad Fp and brother Jughead run this place. They spend majority of their time here so I knew this was the best place to find them.

I got dropped off in front of the bar and I walked up to the door.

As I reached the door, a tall man with a Serpents tattoo on his neck stopped me.

Sweet Pea: what's someone so gorgeous like yourself doing here? He asked with a smirk as he scanned my body. I rolled my eyes.
Betty: stay out of my way. I said as I wasn't going to let this guy boss me around.

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