Betty x Sweet Pea Part 1

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I hope you enjoy this two part series.

Betty POV:

I woke up to the gentle kisses of my loving boyfriend.

Betty: Pea. I whined as I squirmed in his arms.
Sweet Pea: you're so adorable. He said as he placed a final kiss on my neck.
Betty: I'm tired, I wanna cuddle and sleep. I whined as I dug my head into his neck.
Sweet Pea: we have school Cuddlebug. Now up. He said with a chuckle. I let out a groan, letting him know that I wasn't happy about this.

Sweet Pea and I both go to different schools. He was born on the South and I'm from the North.

I met Sweet Pea one night at Pops. I had accidentally bumped into him and I was honestly scared that he'd hurt me. Up until than I'd never spoken to a South Sider, let alone the Serpents King.

He checked if I was okay and we ended up having a really nice conversation. From there we exchanged numbers and continued texting each other.

We've been dating for two beautiful months, there's just something that bothers me.

During my time with Sweet Pea, it's the happiest I've ever been, but no one knows about our relationship.

From the start Sweet Pea had told me that dating him leaves me as a target. He also mentioned that to keep me safe, we should stay very private and not tell anyone about us being together.

I've obviously told my brother and his girlfriend but that's it.

It really hurts because that means Sweet Pea and I can't go on dates. We don't get to hold hands in public. It also hurts because no one knows how happy we make each other.

I want everyone to know how much I love him.

I feel like I'm at my breaking point. If I can't express my love to him whenever I want too, what's the point?

Sweet Pea: bubba, you okay? He asked with one of the many nicknames he's given me over the short amount of time we've been together.

I looked up to him and shrugged my shoulders.

He took a seat back on the bed and pulled me into his lap.

Sweet Pea: what's on your mind? He asked as he snaked his arms around my waist.
Betty: it's just, I really don't like that I can't kiss you or even talk to you in public. I hate it. I told him honestly. He gave me a soft look.
Sweet Pea: I know but I'd rather keep you safe than have any risk of you getting hurt. He said.

His answer was always the same.

I can't do this anymore.

I'm that type of person who loves simple gestures of love. I want to be sitting at Pops, holding his hand under the table.

I want to be in the shopping centre, just walking closely by his side.

I want the whole world to see the love we share.

Betty: we should get ready anyway. I said disappointedly as I stood up and pulled out some of my spare clothes that I keep at his apartment.

I could see out of the corner of my eyes that he was worried.

Sweet Pea: Bett- he started but I didn't think I could hear his side again without crying.
Betty: it's fine. I need to go. I said as I kissed his cheek and quickly picked up my stuff and left.

I got into my car and drove off without looking back.

We had made plans yesterday that I was going to stay here tonight. I'm pretty sure I'm going to cancel.

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