Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was laying in my boyfriends bed as I cuddled into his side. He kept me close to him as he placed multiple kisses on my head.

We have been dating for three months now and everything between us has been nothing but perfect, I love this man.

There's just one problem. Sweet Pea is a Serpent and I'm a Ghoulie, more specifically, the Princess. I know its against the rules to date someone like him but I couldn't help it. Have they seen how hot my man is?

I've told my absolute closest friends who are a part of the Ghoulies but I haven't told the most important person to me. My brother Malachi.

I love him with all my heart but he would never except me. He would get angry and I don't want to cause any fights between us. I absolutely love my older brother and I know when he's being overprotective its only because he cares, but I'm scared. All I want is for him to support me and this relationship.

Sweet Pea: what's wrong bub? He asked as he kissed the corner of my lips and then my temples. I smile a little.
Betty: I'm just really scared to tell Kai. I don't want him to be mad at me. I said while looking up to him with sad eyes. He pulled me closer to him, if that was even possible.
Sweet Pea: I know its going to be hard to tell him but I'm sure he'll understand. He's your brother, he loves you. He said trying to calm me down. I let out a sigh.

I love him so much for trying but Sweet Pea only knows my brother as the Ghoulie Prince. I know him as my sweet and protective brother.

Betty: You don't know him like I do. He'll hate me. I said as tears brimmed at my eyes. He sat up and pulled me into his lap.
Sweet Pea: baby don't think like that, okay? He said and I nodded my head even though I knew I couldn't stop.

I stayed at his house for a couple more hours before I headed back to the Ghoulies lair. Malachi and I share an apartment on the top of the lair. He also has his office upstairs so its convenient.

I arrived at the lair and walked up to Malachi's office since I knew that's where he'd be. As I arrived at his door I saw a guy walking out, he looked scared. Malachi is probably intimidating him like he does to a lot of the people. I honestly find it kind of funny. Malachi is nothing but a sweet little marshmallow.

I walked into his office and took a seat next to him. He looked up to me with a smile.

Although I'm the Princess I don't really have too much to do with it, Malachi wants to keep me safe.

Betty: you okay kai? I asked. He smiled and nodded his head although I could tell he was stressed.
Malachi: do you wanna grab lunch? He asked changing the subject. I nodded my head and we both got up.

We walked out to his bike and he passed me a helmet. I got on his bike behind him and wrapped my arms around his torso.

We sped down to the local diner, Pop's. When we arrived I instantly noticed that some of the Serpents were already inside. Great I thought to myself. I managed to see who was in there and thankfully it was only the older generation of Serpents. They shouldn't be a problem, although Malachi doesn't see it from that point of view. He's like the thrill of a fight, even if the person he decides to fight is a senior citizen.

Betty: leave it Kai. I said. He turned to face me.
Betty: for me? I asked. He nodded his head and placed a kiss on my head.

See, he's sweet but he definitely has his unsweet moments, but that's usually never directed at me.

We sat down and had a peaceful lunch together. We mad fun and silly conversation with each other. He was being himself and he payed for the food. No matter how many times I tell him not to, he never fails to pay before I can.

We soon arrived home and I practically had to beg him to finish up for the day. I wanted to spend time with him and I decided that I couldn't keep hiding my relationship from him anymore.

We were sitting on the couch and I turned to face him.

Betty: Chai can we talk for a second? It's important. I said. He turned to face me and nodded his head, encouraging me to go on.
Betty: well I'm in a relationship. His face began to turn serious. Maybe I should have waited a few years until I told him.
Betty: for three months. His eyes nearly burst out of its sockets. I think I might actually end up killing my brother, whoops.
Betty: and he's a Serpent. I added in. I swear I could see him imaging ways to find this Serpent and cause him the most painful death.
Betty: please don't be mad.
Malachi: why didn't you tell me? He asked sternly but not angrily.
Betty: I was scared you'd hate me.
Malachi: I could never hate you and you know that. He said softly.
Betty: so you're not mad at me for dating a Serpent? I asked, he laughed.
Malachi: of course I'm pissed that you're dating a snake. But if that reptile somehow makes you happy, I'll support you. I'm warning you though, if he even looks at you in the wrong way, I will kill him and every other Serpent. He warned me. I didn't know whether to thank him or run.

Betty: thank you? I said more like a question.
Malachi: you're my little sister, I'm going to look after you no matter what. Even when your dumb ass decides to date a snake.

I smiled and hugged into his side. He wrapped his arms around me. This is my brother that I love.

Betty: I love you Kai. I said.
Malachi: I love you more. He said as he placed a kiss on my head.

I hope you enjoyed ❤️

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