Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was laying in between my boyfriends legs as my head rested on his chest. He ran his hand through my hair as we watched a movie together.

It was about 8:31 pm and we had been relaxing at his house with his sister Jellybean and dad Fp all day.

Including my dad, they're my favourite people, the people I call my family.

We were reaching the climax of the movie when Jellybean bursts into our room with a smirk.

She was hiding something behind her back as she walked closer to Sweet Pea and I.

Sweet Pea: what are you doing? He questioned her.
Jellybean: I have a present. She smiled as she stood close to the bed.

She pulled out her pet lizard bob. I instantly screamed, trying to get out of the room, but Sweet Pea kept me locked in his tight embrace.

I'm absolutely terrified of lizards. I don't like the way they look, or how they feel. I hate them.

Jellybean thinks it's absolutely hilarious to scare me.

She's honestly such a cruel child. I'm nothing but nice and loving to her, I see her as a little sister.

But when she does shit like this, I wish she was never born.

Betty: Sweet Pea let me go. I sobbed out.

Petrified is an understatement towards how I feel now.

I wish I knew what scared them the most so I could torture them back.

Sweet Pea let out a chuckle, he thinks I'm over exaggerating my fears.

I felt bobs tail quickly touch my back. That's where I gathered all my strength to push myself away from Sweet Pea.

I ran out of his room and down the stairs, into the lounge where Fp was sitting.

I went up to him and wrapped my arms around him.

Fp is a second dad to me and is use to the bullshit that goes on between Jellybean, Sweet Pea and I.

Betty: I hate your kids. I sobbed into his chest.
Fp: what have they done this time? He asked as he wiped away my tears.
Betty: terrorise me with that stupid ugly lizard. I said as the two of them walked downstairs.
Betty: literally both of you never speak to me again. I said.
Sweet Pea: we're in a relationship babe, that's how it kinda works. He laughed.
Betty: oh, that's actually funny. You think we're still together. I said.
Sweet Pea: you wouldn't break up with me. He challenged.
Betty: we're over. I said back.
Sweet Pea: well where are you sleeping since we broke up? He said as he raised an eyebrow.
Betty: can I sleep in the spare room Fp? I asked.
Fp: sure, do whatever. He said. I smirked at Sweet Pea.
Betty: I guess that's sorted. I said.
Sweet Pea: you can't just do that. He said. I laughed.
Jellybean: they'll be back together by the morning. She said as shrugged her shoulders.
Betty: you did this to yourself, good night Sweet Pea. I smirked.

I got up and walked into the spare room.

Serves him right for what he did to me.

I layed under the covers as I pulled out my phone, instantly getting a message from Sweet Pea.

(Sweet Pea and Betty's messages)

It's cold, you need cuddles

Yeah, but not from you.


Don't call me that

I'm sorry :(

I'm gonna get a new boyfriend who loves me and is nice, who gives me cuddles and lets me steals his clothes.

That's me

You must not have read that nice part. Maybe I should try Jughead?

Don't even joke about that.

I mean he's been working out a lot recently, his six pack is just a bonus. He's so sweet and his beanie is the cutest.


Think he would go out with me if I asked?


I think him and I would look cute together. And besides, we're close in height so I wouldn't have to always lean up for kisses.

Fine, hate me. Shatter my dreams and break my heart.

Dramatic. I bet Jughead isn't.

Say his name one more time and I'll kill him and give you his severed head. And don't fucking test me, I'll do it.

Good night Mr Connor.

Betty talk to me.

Nah. Bye asshole.

(End of messages)

I turned off my phone and left it to charge.

I pushed some hair out of my face as I got comfortable, trying to fall asleep.

I had been trying for only a short while when I heard the door open. I rolled my eyes.

He walked into my room and got into bed with me, cuddling me into his arms.

Betty: unless you're Billie Eilish coming to wrap your hand around my throat as you gently kiss along my collarbone, down my chest- I started until he cut me off.
Sweet Pea: Betty I'm really not sure if you're straight. He said.
Betty: honestly, I'm not sure either. The things I'd let that girl to my body is indescribable. I think I'm Bisexual, but like only for her. I said.
Sweet Pea: would you let me do that to your body? He smirked.
Betty: you could never do what she does. I said.
Sweet Pea: you're acting like you've actually slept with her before. He said.
Betty: in my dreams I have. I smirked.

Sweet Pea: I'm sorry. He said.
Betty: that was really mean what you did Pea. I said, he knows how I feel about Bob.
Sweet Pea: I know, I'm sorry. He pouted. I let out a chuckle.
Sweet Pea: how could you live without this handsome face? He said acting so cute.
Betty: all I need is Ju- I started.
Sweet Pea: finish that sentence and I'll finish him. He hummed out.
Betty: dickhead. I said.
Sweet Pea: I love you too. He smiled as he pulled me onto his chest.
Betty: do something like that again and I'll actually date Jughead. I said as I rested my head on his chest.
Sweet Pea: you have my word. He said as he kissed my temple.

We said a final good night before we called it a night.

We woke up early the next morning and walked into the kitchen to eat breakfast.

Fp was cooking as Jellybean sat at the table.

Jellybean: I knew you guys would get back together by the morning. She said as she rolled her eyes playfully.

Idk 😂

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