Betty x Toni

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People always tell me to do more Coopaz so here you go ❤️

Toni POV:

For the past week I've been training a new recruit the Serpent dance.

A pretty little thing by the name of Betty Cooper entered the bar one night, looking like a damn snack if I say so myself.

She walked up to the bar where I was luckily working that night. She asked me how a person joined the Serpents. I told this blonde beauty what she had to do to join the Serpents and I asked if she was up to the challenge. She looked to me with a grin on her face, nodding her head as she chugged down her beer.

Once my shift had ended, I took her up to Fp's office and told him that she wanted to join us. He agreed and said that I had to teach her the dance. I was definitely more than happy to teach her the dance, especially if I got to see her practice in her lingerie.

So for the past week I've been teaching her the dance. I've definitely been encouraging her more often then not, to try it in her lingerie.

Today is the day that she does her dance. She texted me this morning, telling me to come to her house so I could help her get ready.

It started getting late so I headed to
her house, more than excited to help her get ready.

I arrived at her house and got off my bike. I walked up to her door and rung the doorbell.

I heard the sound of her small feet running against the vinyl floors until she opened up the front door. All she was wearing was her bra and panties.

Toni: you should always answer the door like this. I said with a smirk as I walked inside and into her bedroom.
Betty: shut up. She said with a laugh. I let out a laugh too.
Betty: I had just finished my shower and you rung the doorbell, I couldn't just answer the door naked. She said with a giggle.
Toni: I wouldn't complain. I said with a wink.

I definitely would've preferred if she answered the door naked.

Betty: okay so I need your help with everything. She said making us both laugh.
Toni: that's what I'm here for, sit. I said to her. She sat on her make up chair and looked at me through the mirror.

Toni: lets start with makeup? I asked and she nodded her head.

I began doing a dark type make up look on her that only made her beautiful green eyes stand out even more.

I pulled out some eyeliner and held her chin in my left hand.

Toni: stay still. I said as I began carefully applying her eyeliner.

I finished up all of her makeup and looked down at her. She really did look stunning. My heart felt like it was pounding out of my chest as I looked at her.

Betty: how do I look? She asked with a cute smile.
Toni: stunning Betty. I said with a soft smile.

I don't know if she's a lesbian or not but the feelings I have for her are really strong. I really hope she's not straight because it would break my heart.

Betty: you're too kind. She said with a smile as she embraced me in a hug.

I wrapped my arms around her, holding her small frame close to mine.

Toni: every guy in that bar is going to want you. I said.

I was trying to figure out what her sexuality is, but it's also true. As soon as they see her hot body they're going to want her.

Betty: mh, I prefer girls. She said with a shrug.
Toni: really? I asked in shock. She looked to me with a worried expression.
Betty: you're okay with that, right? She asked as she bit her lip. I smiled and pulled her hands into mine.

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