Betty x Fangs

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Requested by: AllaLexie
I nearly forgot to post this.... again. I feel like I need to set a reminder for myself or something 😂😂😂
Enjoy x

Fangs POV:

Today is the day I had been dreading: telling my friends that I'm bisexual.

I've been hiding that from them for over a year now. Keeping this secret hidden is the hardest thing I've ever done. I hate not telling them but they're judge mental and homophobic, well majority.

I'm hoping that when I tell them they'll understand and accept me.

My friend group consists of Sweet Pea, a rude and violent person. Toni, a judgement bitch. Jughead, leader of the Serpents but does it terribly. Lastly we have Betty, she's a quiet girl who is 100% a nerd.

I arrived at the Wyrm and saw my group of friends, well really are we friends? The only person in the group I can actually tolerate is Betty and we barely speak.

This is going to go well.

I walked into the liquor filled bar and saw my group of friends, if that's what I can even call them.

I walked up to them and took a seat.

Fangs: guys I have something to say. I said as I waited to get all their attention.
Jughead: well hurry up. He said while rolling his eyes.

I hope the Ghoulies kill him.

Fangs: okay, well. I'm bisexual. I said. They all looked at me and laughed, except Betty. She just smiled.

I looked at the rest of the group who thought they had never heard anything funnier.

After they had all calmed down they turned back to me.

Toni: gosh dude, that's fucking hilarious. She said making the boys nod their heads in agreement.
Fangs: I'm not joking. I said.

Fuck, hide me. Can I turn invisible? I'm so fucked. Well I hope the gay gods send me to a nice resort after I die.

Sweet Pea: so you're a fag? He asked while raising an eyebrow. I rolled my eyes.
Jughead: ew, get the fuck away from us. He said.
Toni: why the hell did we have a fag in our friend group for so long. She said with disgust.

I had had enough of them so I stormed out of the bar. I sat near my bike as I took a deep breath.

They're homophobic assholes who don't deserve what they have.

I was fuming with anger as I heard the sound of someone's soft footsteps. I looked up and saw Betty.

She walked up to me and sat opposite me.

Betty: are you okay? She asked me.
Fangs: Nope. Don't even know why I'm friends with them. I said back.
Betty: if it's worth anything, I support you. She said with a soft smile.
Fangs: thank you, you're the only person who does. I said with a sad chuckle as I looked up into her eyes. She was about to speak when my ex friends walked up to us.

Sweet Pea: Betty get back inside. He said sternly to her. She rolled her eyes.
Betty: I'm good thank you Sweet Pea. She said.

Even when she's mad, she's nice.

Jughead: I swear to god Betty, if you stay here with this faggot any longer I'll kick you out of the gang. He yelled at her.

At that point I expected her to crack and go back with them. I think she surprised all of us at that point.

Betty: aw isn't that cute Jughead, trying to threaten me. Let's not forget everything. Everyone apart from Betty and Jughead had confused looks on their faces.
Jughead: don't go there. He warned her.
Betty: so you don't want me to tell everyone how you tried to use me as a booty call? She said.
Betty: whoops. She said with a smirk. Everyone laughed except Jughead.
Betty: if I were you guys I wouldn't laugh either because I have dirt on you all as well. She said with a smirk.
Betty: Fangs, who should I start with? She asked with a grin as she turned to face me.
Fangs: Sweet Pea. I said. He looked at me and glared.
Betty: lovely. The only reason he's still in this sorry excuse for a gang is because he sucks up to Fp. I literally saw him on his knees begging to stay. She said making me and herself laugh.
Betty: and now TT. She said with a smirk.

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