Betty x Sweet Pea

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Betty POV:

I was laying in bed as I thought about the fights Sweet Pea and I have been having recently.

Sweet Pea and I both work full time jobs which have been asking a lot of us as of these past 2 weeks. This means we're starting earlier and coming home later.

When we get home we're both exhausted, leading us to fight over the most stupidest of things we'd never usually fight over.

I turn over and see him sleeping peacefully in our bed. A tear left my eye. Him and I fighting is tearing me apart, it's tearing him apart to.

Betty: I love you. I whispered before I turned back to how I was originally facing and fell asleep.

I woke up bright and early as usual on a Tuesday morning. I rolled over and saw Sweet Pea wasn't next to me, he must already be gone.

As I was about to close my eyes for another couple minutes I felt as my stomach began to do flips.

I ran to the bathroom and threw up.

Shit, am I pregnant?

I finished throwing up and flushed the toilet. I sat on the bathroom floor and began to cry.

How are we going to raise a baby when we're not even speaking? Does he even like me anymore? Does he love me still? Does he want a baby? Does he want one with me?

Tears of worry and stress left my eyes.

I need him more then ever but I'm not sure if he's mine anymore.

I reached to my phone and texted my boss, saying I'm taking the day off.

I turned off my phone and put it to the side.

I spent the rest of my day sitting on the bathroom floor, crying and thinking about what the future holds for Sweet Pea, the baby and I.

It must have been about 8:30 pm when I heard the main door open. Sweet Pea must be home.

He always arrives about an hour earlier then I do.

I heard as he walked up the stairs to our room.

When he saw me he immediately ran up to me and wrapped his arms around me. His touch was warm and comforting.

He unwrapped his arms from around me but connected our hands together.

Sweet Pea: baby are you okay? He asked. I shook my head. His look softened even more.
Sweet Pea: did you go to work today? He asked. I shook my head again.

I could tell he was trying to figure out how long I had been on the floor crying.

Betty: Sweet Pea do you still love me? I asked, not even being able to look at him or even touch him.

I removed my hands from his and put them to the side of me. He immediately picked my hands up again and moved them to his lips. He placed soft kisses on my hands that calmed me down.

Sweet Pea: beautiful girl, I love you so damn much and all this fighting between us is killing me. I love you and only you, I could never stop. He said as he took a seat on the floor and pulled me into his lap.

He wrapped his arms around me as he kept me as close as possible to him.

Sweet Pea: I love you. He whispered into my ear and then placing a kiss on it.
Betty: I think I'm pregnant. I said without thinking. I felt loved again.
Sweet Pea: baby, seriously? He asked with the softest and happiest of smiles. I nodded my head.
Sweet Pea: why don't I get you into bed and I'll get you a pregnancy test, okay? He asked as he rubbed his thumb over my hand.
Betty: no. I said. He gave me a confused look.
Sweet Pea: no? He questioned.
Betty: I-I really need you right now. I said as I faced in front of me. I felt him nod his head against mine as he told me he loved me again.

I need to hear those three words over and over again just so I know we'll be okay.

Sweet Pea: okay. He said softly as he stood up and carried me in his arms.

He sat on our bed and was about to move me next to him but I clung to his body, telling him I didn't want to leave his embrace.

He took the hint and left me in his lap.

Betty: please tell me you love me again. I asked of him.
Sweet Pea: I love you. I love you. I love you. He breathed out as he began placing soft and soothing kisses he knew I loved.

He kisses every inch of my body that he could reach without removing me from his lap.

Sweet Pea: I love you. He whispered again.

It was now the next day and I woke up with my body resting on Sweet Pea's. We both woke up at the same time.

I looked to the clock and saw that it was 6:30 am, when I usually get up. He should have been gone by now.

Betty: Sweet Pea you're late for work. I said worriedly. He gave me a smile and placed a kiss on my forehead.
Sweet Pea: baby I'm not leaving you today. It'll just be me and you, and maybe even a kid. He said as he kissed my stomach.
Betty: would you really be happy if I was pregnant? I asked as I bit my lip. He turned me so I was looking directly into his eyes.
Sweet Pea: Betty if you're pregnant I would be more then happy, how could I not? I'd have two joys in my life. I love you and this little egg so, so, so much. He said genuinely. I smiled and nodded my head.

We stayed in bed for a few more hours until we decided that I really needed to get a pregnancy test.

We both went together as he held my hand supportively.

We went to the chemist and bought a pregnancy test.

We went home and I quickly took it. I left the test in the bathroom as I walked out to where Sweet Pea was waiting. I took a seat in his lap and he kissed my cheek.

Sweet Pea: no matter what the results are, I'll always love you more then I'll ever be able to tell you. He said.
Betty: I love you so much Sweet Pea, I need you more then anything. I said. He smiled as I rested my forehead on his.

We stayed like that until the five minutes were over. We both walked into the bathroom and he took one of my hands in his.

Sweet Pea: are you ready? He asked. I nodded my head and took a deep breath.

I slowly picked up the pregnancy test and flipped it over. I am pregnant.

Betty: I'm pregnant. I said in barely a whisper. He looked to me with the biggest smile and picked me up.

I wrapped my legs around him as he spun us around, making giggles escape my lips.

Sweet Pea: I'm so happy baby. He said as he put me down and moved his hands to my stomach, gently massaging it.
Betty: so am I. I can't believe this. I said with the happiest smile as we embraced each other in a tight hug.

Everything is perfect, I don't need anything else then what I have right now, or what we'll have in 9 months.

I hope you all liked this. A Swetty baby 😍

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