Betty x Sweet Pea // brother and sister (friendship)

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I am very tired, but what's new?
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Betty POV:

I was doing some homework in my book when I heard the sound of my music stop and the picture of my older brother Sweet Pea, pop up on my computer.

Sweet Pea is older then me by a year. He's 17.

He lives in a place called Riverdale, our dad abounded him though. Just how mum abandoned me.

I live in Toledo and I always beg Sweet Pea to let me move to Riverdale and stay with him. His answer is always the same, no.

He says that it's to dangerous for me and that he wants to keep me safe, and unfortunately he thinks that's in Toledo.

I miss my brother.

When we were younger, our parents had a messy divorce. Dad took Sweet Pea away from me and Mum took me away from Sweet Pea.

I put down my pen and pressed accept so I could speak to him on FaceTime.

Betty: hey Swetty. I said with a smile.
Sweet Pea: hey Betts, what are you doing? He asked.
Betty: homework. I said making him chuckle.
Sweet Pea: of course you are. He said making us both laugh.
Betty: what are you doing? I asked.
Sweet Pea: nothing until later where I have to try and make sure my friend doesn't get completely hammered. He said making us both laugh.

We started having a conversation and filling each other in on our lives. I loved our daily calls. It made me feel like we were close to having a real family.

Betty: Swetty I miss you. I said sadly.
Sweet Pea: I know Betty and I miss you too, but it's to dangerous for you here in Riverdale. He said.

I was so over him always saying it's too dangerous. If I want to see my brother, that's exactly what I'm going to do. He can't stop me for any longer.

Betty: no Sweet Pea, I'm so sick of you always saying that it's too dangerous. I want to see you and I can look after myself. I said angrily. He let out a sigh.
Sweet Pea: Betty I know you're angry but I'm only trying to keep you safe. He said calmly.

I was beyond angry at this point.

Betty: it sounds like you don't love me and don't want to see me. I yelled as tears formed in my eyes.

I slammed my computer closed as he tried to start talking.

My phone instantly started ringing. I pulled it out and it was Sweet Pea.

My tears only began falling stronger down my face. I turned off my phone and put away my homework as I continually wiped my cheeks.

I went to bed that night feeling miserable.

Is what I said earlier true? Does he really not love me?

I woke up the next morning and saw that it was 5 am. I knew I wasn't going to be able to fall back asleep with everything that plagued my mind.

I went onto my phone and saw that I had ten missed called from Sweet Pea and four messages.

( Sweet Pea's messaged to Betty )

Betty I know you're angry but please don't think I ever hate you. I love you more then anyone or anything.
Please answer my calls.
At least let me know that you're okay.
I love you nerd ❤️

( end of messages )

I smiled at my phone and made the decision to fly down to Riverdale.

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